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Monday, February 26, 2018

10 of the greatest scientists of the twentieth century

Many of us are looking for scientists in the world, and we wonder why these scientists came to most of their theories. There are many 20th century scientists like Albert Einstein and others like Marie Curie and Sigmund Freud, no matter what tools they use. New to the world in which we live and to ourselves in these discoveries, among the most famous and greatest scientists of the twentieth century:

1 - scientists of the twentieth century Albert Einstein:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

Albert Einstein lived from 1879 to 1955 and was one of the most famous scientists of the twentieth century. He revolutionized scientific thought, the public liked his humor, Einstein was the world of people, and one of the most brilliant men of the 20th century. Einstein was friendly, His uncharacteristic exterior appearance as shaggy hair, and during his entire life, Einstein worked hard to understand the world around him, and thus, the theory of relativity, which opened the door for many to create the atomic bomb.

2 - scientists of the twentieth century Marie Curie:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

She was one of the greatest scientists of the twentieth century. Marie Curie lived from 1867 to 1934 and worked closely with her husband, Pierre Curie, who lived from 1859 to 1906. Together they discovered two new elements: polonium and radium. Unfortunately, Her husband Pierre Curie died suddenly in 1906, ran over by a horse as he tried to cross the street. After Pierre's death, Marie Curie continued to search for radioactivity, eventually giving her work and effort to her second Nobel Prize. Awarded two Nobel Prizes, Marie Curie's work led to the use of x-rays in medicine, as she laid the foundation for a great science Hand in atomic physics.

3 - of twentieth century scientists Sigmund Freud:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

Sigmund Freud lived from (1856 to 1939) and was one of the most famous scientists of the twentieth century and is really a controversial personality, people either love or hate his theories, even his disciples have had differences, and Freud believed that everyone has an unconscious that can be discovered through a process called " Psychoanalysis, "and in psychoanalysis, the patient is in a state of relaxation, perhaps on the couch, and uses the free-fall to talk about everything he wants to talk about, and Freud believed that these monologues can reveal the inner workings of the patient mind, That slips his tongue which is now known as "Freud's Slips" especially if the MATH also dreamed of this is going to be a way to understand the unconscious mind, and despite the fact that many of Freud's theories are no longer in regular use now, but he created a new way of thinking about ourselves.

4 - scientists of the twentieth century Max Blanc:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

Max Planck lived from 1858 to 1947 and was one of the most famous scientists of the twentieth century. He was one of the scientists who revolutionized physics. His work was so important that his research regarded it as a focal point of classical physics that ended with modern physics. Everything was discovered by energy, which he emitted in waves, and so Max Planck had a role in many of the most important scientific discoveries of the twentieth century.

5 - scientists of the twentieth century Niels Bohr:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

He was one of the great scientists of the 20th century and lived in Niels Bohr (1885-1962), the famous Danish physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. He gave us an understanding of the structure of the atom. His theory was that electrons lived outside the nucleus In the course of the Second World War, during which the Nazis conquered Denmark, Bohr and his family were forced to Sweden on a fishing boat, and Bohr spent the rest of the war in England and the states. United States, and assisted allies in making the Thar bomb E, it is interesting, that the son of Niels Bohr, Bohr-Age, also won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1975.

6 - scientists of the twentieth century Jonas Salek:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

Jonas Salek lived from 1914 to 1995 and was one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century and became an overnight hero when he announced that he had invented a vaccine for polio. Before he made this vaccine, polio was a devastating viral disease and was an epidemic. Thousands of children and adults die from the disease or remain paralyzed for the rest of their lives. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt is one of the most famous polio victims. From the early 1950's, polio epidemics increased and became more severe. Poliomyelitis was one of the most common childhood diseases And then positive results were announced as a result of extensive tests On April 12, 1955, exactly 10 years after Roosevelt's death, people celebrated all over the world. Jonas Salek became a world beloved to many, making him one of the most famous scientists of the 20th century.

7. Scientists of the twentieth century Ivan Pavlov:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

Ivan Pavlov lived from 1849 to 1936 and studied drooling with dogs. While this may seem strange to the research, Pavlov made some interesting and interesting observations by studying when, how, and why the dogs were lied, and discovered that they were doing this when presented to me Many of the different influences, controlled, and during this research, Pavlov discovered "conditioned reactions", an adaptive reaction that explains why a dog would automatically drool when hearing a bell and simply discovered that our bodies could be conditioned by our surroundings, The results of these Pavlov have far-reaching effects in psychology and therefore have been felt by century scientists Twenty.

8 - scientists of the twentieth century Enrico Fermi:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) was a 20th century scholar and became the first interested in physics when he was 14 years old. His brother had just died unexpectedly and took a chance to escape from reality. So Fermi received two books of physics in 1840 He read from the cover to the cover, and he identified some mathematical errors. He apparently read that he did not realize that these books were in Latin. Fermi went into an experiment with neutrons, which led to the division of the atom. Fermi was also responsible for discovering how to create A series of nuclear reactions, which led directly to the creation of the atomic bomb, so Considered the most famous scientists of the twentieth century.

9 - Scientists of the twentieth century Robert Godard:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

Robert Goodard (1882-1945), considered by many to be the father of modern missiles and one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century, was the first to launch liquid-fuel rockets successfully. He launched the first missile, called Neil, on March 16 1926, in the desert of Massachusetts and rose up to 41 feet in the air. Goddard was only 17 years old when he decided he wanted to build rockets. When he climbed the cherry tree on 19 October 1899, he looked up and thought how wonderful it was to send a device to Mars, and from that point, Godard began building rockets, and unfortunately, he was making fun of the fact that a missile could go Moon in the day and did not know that it will happen in the day, so it was the most important scientists of the twentieth century.

10-century scientists Francis Crick and James Watson:
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Scientists of the twentieth century

Francis Crick (1916-2004) and James Watson (1928), together discovered the double spiral structure of DNA and a "plan of life." Surprisingly, when news of their first discovery was published in April 1953, Watson was only 25 years old Crick was more than a decade away. He was still a student who did not get a doctorate. After their public discovery, the two men became famous, each went on his own, rarely speaking to each other. An important discovery in this century really, so it was one of the most famous scientists of the twentieth century.

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