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Friday, February 23, 2018

10 Interesting information about animals

It is believed that there are between 5 million and 100 million species of plants and animals on earth, but the science has only identified about 2 million people, according to the National Science Foundation. If we have to identify all animals, there may be about 7.7 million species , And in this article, we present the ten best known facts about the animal kingdom, and some facts will undoubtedly be a shock to you, among these facts:

1. Cats can bark:
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Information about animals
Many people believe that dogs bark and cats only mutate, but in fact it has been shown that cats have this anatomy similar to dogs, and nothing prevents them from barking in a good way. Scientists have discovered that the arrangement of cats, trachea and diaphragm is similar Sufficient for dogs but if they run the machines in the right way, their time will produce noise that resembles a bark.

2. Dogs can dream:
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Information about animals
Many people now have this question in mind. They really do dream. In fact, they almost do, mice also dream. Some studies have pointed out that this is probably a common act among mammals. Dogs are known to have a particular fascination with their naps and sleep structure They observed that dogs spent 44% of their time on alert, 21% in drowsiness, 12% in sleep, and spent 23% of their time in sleep. Their time in the stage of deep sleep.

3. Frogs can jump really high:
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Information about animals
The South Frog is known for cricket, jumping 60 times as tall as a person, jumping like a 38-storey building.

4. Chicken can have natural sexual changes:
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Information about animals
It is impressive that there are two genitals present in the female chicken embryos, but the dominant sex genes are the ones who kick the first kick. Here is their sex, and most of the chickens are only one ovary and live their life. As a result, the chicken begins to develop the sleeping sex organs, and the ovaries emit male hormones such as the hormone androgen, and in the absence of the ovary, This leads To change the sex of chickens.

5. Mice are considered very sensitive organisms:
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Information about animals
Over the past decade, animal behaviorists have gathered evidence that suggests that mice, unlike all creatures, are very sensitive creatures, far from their shape and size, but appear strong in some parts of the body. Rodents emit a high level of chirping. The jingling to indicate joy, because the mice are filled with mazes and tickling good, we find here that the ratting, is closer to human laughter as scientists explain.

6. Fish sleeps but sometimes do not sleep as usual:
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Information about animals
Not only do fish not sleep, they even suffer from insomnia. For example, species that are usually found in fish ponds, when they go to sleep at night a little, they drop their tails and go down to the bottom with their bodies. Studies have shown their sleep patterns that if they stay awake at night , They will soon be dizzy, and will be unable to learn faster during the day, and some studies have found that the faulty hypochrine receptors are almost the same problem that sometimes lead to sleep problems in humans.

7. Scorpions glow in the dark:
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Information about animals
Not only do scorpions use pimples and toxic strings in their tails, but they have a full shield in their body, and scorpions can scare any sane person by glowing them in the dark. When you turn on ultraviolet light from a black light, it really calls for fear, and I have spiders armored to glow In fact, this ultraviolet light is then converted by the proteins in the external structures into a blue light, which is clear to the human eye. Research indicates that the scorpions are night organisms, and they prefer Hiding in the nights lit by an element has been Hey.

8. Penguins create a wave among them:
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Information about animals
Penguins are always trying to survive, especially in the harsh Antarctic winter. This is a matter of life or death, so these birds gather together in a crowd like a colony. They hold this crowd so that individual movements are impossible, It is necessary, but penguins on the sidelines will die of cold if they do not constantly re-mix the crowd, and in the middle it becomes on the margin and so they all feel warm. This is for continuous reorganization. We find a million wave members in the same way that they spread. Where sound waves Through only liquids, each penguin takes only a small step of 2 to 4 inches, the wave of travel may lead from small steps to large-scale mixing.

9. There is a world of exotic male genitalia:
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Information about animals
The animal kingdom is full of incredible crazy things. For example, the Argentinian duck is taller than all the birds themselves. It is 17 inches long, and there are some snakes that resemble the rocks attached to the ships, which have a male penis with two heads. In fact.

10. Koala has fingerprints such as human:
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Information about animals
The kuwala are small, tree-climbing animals. The kuwala has a fingerprint that is almost identical to that of humans. Not even accurate analysis under the microscope can distinguish them easily. The mullet hills on the kuwala's fingers are exactly identical to those possessed by man , And this brings us to recall that human relatives such as chimpanzees and gorillas also have these fingerprints, but the wonderful thing about koala is that it seems to have developed independently of others in its evolutionary history. The monkeys and kohlas evolved separately in terms of finger prints The anatomical purpose may reveal the advantage between them. Both koala and other animals may require different lifestyles, whether to eat or climb.

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