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Sunday, February 25, 2018

10 Interesting information about the owl

The owl occupies a prominent place in the kingdom of birds of all kinds. This small, winged object can conquer the night while the rest of the birds adapt to daylight. Apart from everything you know about the owl, there is a lot of amazing information Which you do not know and we will review together some interesting and interesting information about this amazing bird.

10. Adaptation of blood flow:
10 معلومات ممتعة عن البومة
There is a lot of difference between the types of albums in terms of size, appearance and color, but they all share the same thing, the ability to roll the neck 270 degrees, and the ability of the album in the neck wrap to the existence of 14 paragraphs in the neck of the owl, while the rest of the birds contain the neck on only 7 paragraphs , And cervical vertebrae are responsible for the extent of movement of the neck so that most animals as well as humans will suffer from the injury of the arteries and severe blood flow break if wrapped neck to this degree, and there is an attempt by scientists to understand this amazing ability of the owl, where scientists discovered an amazing device to flow Blood in the album where this is This includes a stunning adjustment of the blood circulation of the album on air-like pillows to prevent the interruption of blood circulation and redirect blood to prevent rupture of blood vessels or stroke during the album of this violent movement headed by .

9. Fake cannibal albums:
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The name refers to cannibalism. This type of album, known as the large horned pomegranate, predates the other small species of the same species, and may be considered a violent shock to lovers and lovers of breeding this bird to know that this type is predators and eat other species of the same species, Pomegranate is the main predator and the greatest threat to the rest of the album groups, especially the album known as the album or the planned album. The album is spread in the marshes stretching from the southeast to the northwest Pacific, but the preparation began to decline in part because of some other albums Unfortunately, some lovers of bird-watching in the wild unintentionally contribute to devouring this type of album, where they run the music of the birds to get out of their place to try to draw or photograph, the album will respond to this music and get out of its place becomes easy prey for sniping.

8. Crazy Eyes:
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The owl's vision is completely unconventional. The owl has very wide eyes, even touching the top of the owl from the inside. These eyes are completely fixed and do not move. The pupil of the eye can not be regarded as a real tube. On their prey, which includes other types of owls and birds, and the owl can move its neck at an angle of up to 270 degrees, which can compensate for the movement of the pupil and look in all directions.

7. Some album eats plants:
The album occupies a prominent place among all the bird species in the world as a carnivorous species. However, there is a unique species among the album species that feeds not only on small fowl but also includes some plants, grains and fruits. Beetles and cactus fruits and these birds prefer prey eat fruits such as cranberries and pears.

6. Some of the album's groups do not shout or scream:
This is one of the most important types of album albums, but some albums do not scream at all. These types include snow owls, sounds like birds' horns, and the dwarf album, which produces a repetitive, boring sound. He yells at all but produces a quick series of sapphires, even the yelling of the great horned album is a false scream.

5. Album eats prey more than we think:
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The Eagle is one of the largest fishermen in the world in terms of size and it is the most ferocious, and can eat anything like the adult monkeys and young pigs as it targets large fish and similar in size almost, and this group was also able to kill the golden eagle, The Owl eagle attacks a young wolf, and the owl regularly catches the small foxes and deer. In a stunning attack, the owl eagle kills and eats a large-sized cobra. This species also feeds on birds such as the horned owl and the heron. His system A food is the flesh of the hedgehog, while most of the birds of prey avoid the hedgehog's eagle, but the owl eagle uses its sharp sharp claws in the tearing and peeling of the hedgehog to imitate his flesh.

4. Live Album in Cactus:
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In the Sonoran Desert of North America, the caguar grows about 10 meters long and covers the entire forest. In the cavities of the woodpecker, nestling the dwarf owl, which hides entirely inside the nest and shows only its bright yellow eyes. The cactus forests are habitat for another species. The album is known as the dwarf iron balom, a more hostile species that feeds on small owls and other birds. Sometimes the large horned owl takes a nest of cactus cactus in the Saguaro cactus forest.

3. Album and Culture of Humans:
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Ancient Egyptians considered the owl a symbol of wisdom, while some people consider the owl today as diabolical symbols and is often associated with witchcraft like the snow owl as in the Harry Potter series. All of this is considered baseless nonsense. Apart from cultural significance, Before humans in many fishing, the owl can be trained to hunt small animals in burrows, such as rabbits. Generally, a night hunter's owls may be difficult to train especially large-sized albums.

2. Relatives of strangers:
It is often called the bird of prey, but this night fisherman does not have any connection to other birds such as hawks or eagles known as birds that prey on the day, and that the science of bird classification is a lot of difference and change, but each of the list of birds classification of the Seabull Quist and lists Others knew the album as being more closely related to the humming bird, the birds of the eagle, the hawk, or the other birds that prey on their prey during the day.

1. Silent killers:
10 معلومات ممتعة عن البومة
A great part of the skill and effectiveness of the album in hunting is due to its great and exceptional hearing capabilities while remaining silent. This ability requires additional interesting features in the album body. The hooks on the front of the wing feathers of the boom act as a voice for the airflow sound while the rest of the wing allows silent flying, It is necessary to know that the different album types have unmatched ears located at different heights from the top of the owl to enable them to listen, locate and attack prey.

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