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Friday, February 23, 2018

10 of the most dangerous Amazon animals and the most bloody images

Amazon rainforests are one of the most spectacular places in the world, a fertile green place unlike any other place on earth. The Amazon forests contain the world's most blood-thirsty Amazon, the Amazon forests are linked to tranquility and tranquility, but it is also one of the bloodiest places on the Amazon. Earth, there are a lot of Amazon animals in the rainforest that can kill you before you know anything about them, here we will talk about 10 beautiful, unusual, amazing Amazon animals, but they are deadly creatures.

10 - Electric eel of animals Amazon:
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Electric eel is considered a serious Amazon animal, but it is not deadly to humans, although it will provide a little electric shock, this shock is about 600 volts, live in the freshwater of the Amazon forests, near the muddy bottom although it comes in many Sometimes for higher air order, shock can cause a heart attack in humans, and shock is effective for hunting prey from small mammals and invertebrates.

Rarely there are electric sea snakes in zoos, because the shock system makes it very difficult to catch them, no wonder they are not recommended as pets, and the other interesting thing about the electric eel is the unique reproduction system, where the males make a basin of Saliva and females lay their eggs in the nest, there are up to 3,000 small eel produced in one group of eggs, which exits a lot of small shocks.

9 - Arapima fish of the Amazon:
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The fish of Arapima is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, and as it is a serious Amazon animal, the fish weighs more than 100 kg, and reaches 2 meters long, fish do not cause direct harm to humans, however, they are mercilessly fatal, Fish and crustaceans, but also eat the small wild amazons who happen to be along the beach. The Arapima fish can breathe the air, which helps them trap and capture wild Amazon, but this makes them vulnerable to human hunting.

Arapima fish are at risk. The Brazilian government has banned its fishing and commercial sale, although it is still being caught in the Amazon River, and Arapima fish is an important food source for some tribes. It is also used for medicinal purposes. Its bone tongue is blended and mixed with the Guarana plant to treat intestinal worms.

8 - South American snake bells of the Amazon:
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Amazonian forests are crowded with all kinds of snakes, but the South American Rattlesnake is one of the bloodiest Amazon species of humans. It is said that the bell snake is responsible for 9% of all serious snake bites in Latin America and bites vary according to the type of snake, At least after the doctors of southern Brazil failed to recognize the snake bite north of Brazil, the snakes live in savannah areas of the Amazon, as well as other parts of South America.

7 - Brazilian mobile spider of the Amazon:
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The Brazilian spider is one of the world's most poisonous spiders, but in reality there is an effective antidote available to fight the very poisonous poison. As long as the sting is near the antibody, you are fine. In fact, A third of all bites do not put the spider in the victim, and in the other third the spider only puts a small amount.

6 - the poisonous blue frog of the Amazon:
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One of the most distinctive Amazon species is the poisonous blue frog, which is considered one of the bloodiest Amazon animals. Its bright colors are specially designed to repel predators and make them unattractive. The poisonous blue frog is small in size but it is a deadly Amazon. It is about 2 inches long but has enough to kill 10 of the men, and there are attempts to collect frog venom to be used for medical purposes, but it is not yet commercially available.

5 - Jaguar of the Amazon:
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The jaguar or tiger is the bloodiest Amazon. The jaguar system consists of about 87 species of animals from deer to mice. Jaguars can be said to be opportunistic animals in their behavior when hunting, and they are certainly trying to kill any human being.

Jaguar is a rare type of big cat, who enjoys swimming, so do not think jumping on the nearest boat and kayaking away will help you survive, it will follow you, the jaguar of the Amazon that loves to live in the rainforest and is the biggest cat in the western hemisphere, The jaguar is large in size and is ruthless and is a carnivorous Amazon. However, it seems very beautiful and tragic that it is approaching the threat of extinction due to the destruction of its habitats and efforts should be made to save Jaguar from the rainforest.

4 - black Cayman of Amazon animals:
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Cumin or black crocodile of the most dangerous Amazon animals, this creature was at some time extinct from the Amazon forest, but strict anti-hunting laws may keep it, and its dark color helps it camouflage in anticipation of the prey. It treats all kinds of prey, but the diet Its main is fish, including predatory piranha, but it can also attack some Amazon species such as deer, capibara, and even anaconda. However, anaconda can eat small kiwi and jaguar, staying the strongest in the Amazon region.

3- Anaconda of Amazon animals:
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The anaconda is one of the most deadly Amazon species. It is considered one of the longest snakes in the world. It never stops growing. It is about 21 feet long. The good news is that it is not poisonous snakes, but it has other ways of killing prey. The prey is strangled by squeezing it so that it can not breathe, then swallow it thoroughly without chewing, and the anaconda lasts a week until the prey is digested, and it does not eat often but only when it is hungry.

2 - Piranha fish of the Amazon:
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Piranha is also an Amazon species that has a bad reputation, because it is not as aggressive as it is believed. Native Amazons swim safely with piranha, an Amazon species that is prey to waste, meaning it is looking for its food from the remains of already dead animals and rarely attack humans. Or larger animals, but they will do if they are hungry and you are within their territory, the length of the Piranha to 2 feet, and have sharp teeth Kalmus, and strong jaw.

1. Mosquitoes from Amazon animals:
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With all the strong Amazon teeth with sharp teeth in the list, it is amazing that the Amazon Award of the deadliest animals can go to something small enough to crush it with your hand, mosquitoes, because mosquitoes carry killer diseases with them such as malaria and so is the most dangerous animal in the rainforests, If you do not feed, it can kill you very quickly, and the worst thing is that mosquitoes become smarter. They are no longer expelled by the mosquito repellent that is called DDT used by tourists, Due to the evolution of mosquito resistance.

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