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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the strangest strange animals

The natural world is the wilderness. It is a place that combines old and newly discovered animals, and there are many strange and exciting stories in the wild, and we are surprised to hear about these animals and their ability to adapt and survive despite the harsh conditions surrounding them. Animals from flying crocodiles, giant mice, and predators in the sea.

1. The Shield of the Armor:
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Strange Things
Leprosy is a terrible and deformed disease for humans. The disease dates back to antiquity. Leprosy is a very rare disease but it is present in the United States. The reported cases of infection can be 150 to 250 cases a year. There are cases of unknown disease carriers, In some states, such as Louisiana and Texas, they still eat the armor as food for them and thus end their lives with their own hands. Leprosy can be treated early but unfortunately it hurts the patient before the onset of symptoms. , Only humans and shields are living organisms that get leprosy.

2. Crocodile Crash Aircraft:
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Strange Things
Crocodiles are some of the most terrifying creatures on earth, responsible for the deaths of many humans all over the world. The crocodiles are so huge they can devour large blacks in size when they walk near the edge of the water. It is hard to imagine that this terrifying creature has Thousands of passengers were taken to the plane, but this was exactly what happened on board a plane in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. One of the passengers tried to smuggle a crocodile into the bag, but the crocodile managed to get out of it and attacked the passengers. The hostess and the passengers fled to the cockpit. The plane balance could not The pilots took over a house, killing the crew, 19 passengers, the crocodile and then killed by a slap on the head.

3. China and Panda Bear:
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Strange Things
There are a few attractive creatures on the face of the earth and these creatures Panda, has been observed that the local zoos do not have any of them, for good reason that the endangered pandas live only in a small area in China and does not reproduce well in their families, Only a few hundred pandas in zoos and about 1,500-3000 pandas live in the wild. All the pandas in the world are now in China. The country has been practicing so-called "panda diplomacy" to give panda as a gift to powerful allies from countries such as the United States and Great Britain as evidence Ali Hassan Alnou Oh, and since 1984, the Chinese government has worked to hire animals at a cost of million dollars a year in order to maintain the diet of Banda as the cost of their diet five times the cost of food the elephant.

4. Auto Beauty Race:
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Strange Things
Despite the lack of excitement and excitement in Kentucky, the popular hybrid races have existed for hundreds of years in the Middle East. In the past, they used young children instead of cavalry in the race for their light weight, allowing camel to race quickly. Now there are the mechanical horsemen who control the race. The whip is held by the arm and the bridle is held by the other arm. Unfortunately some of the contestants have been reported to use the twisted methods in the race, such as electric shocks to increase the speed of the strings.

5. Blood-thirsty deer:
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Strange Things
Rum Island, on the western coast of Scotland, is home to a small number of people, with some 20 people on the island and some bloodthirsty deer. The diet of bloodthirsty deer is horrifying, feeding on the heads and limbs of small seabirds. There is a riddle that distorts the chicken chicks until the deer is seen chewing the chicks. The common belief of this strange phenomenon is that the great adaptation that occurred to the deer to compensate for the lack of minerals in their food and the bird bones to compensate for the calcium, is still under investigation.

6. Moth or otter:
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Strange Things
The ottoman is a wonderful creature. It is known that the ottoman or ottoman is swimming on its back in the water and is held by the family members so as not to move away from it. The water fox feeds on oysters and uses the rocks to break it and open it. These foxes are known to face small seals and attack them. Their faces then sink them, and when mating season the mink is one of the most brutal animals, so many females lose their lives annually.

7. Michael Vick's Dogs:
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Strange Things
In 2007, a dog farm owned by Michael Fick, a famous American footballer, was raided and found to be dogged by cruel treatment. The dogs were used in deadly combat matches. 51 wild-eyed dogs were rescued and killed One dog was very aggressive because the dogs were kept in private shelters with treatment and retraining of owners experienced in fierce dog breeding, and six of these dogs had been handed over after training to some citizens for their care.

8. Bears Grolard:
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Strange Things
Global warming is a real concern for some environmentalists, and global warming suggests some environmental disasters are imminent. There may be some unpredictable effects such as the appearance of polar bears in the wild, where the climate helped separate polar bears from brown bears, The polar bears moved northward and relied on their feeding to catch seals from floating snow over the water, while brown bears were still in the south, but when winter became shorter and colder, polar bears moved away from their original habitat for food, causing them to approach brown bears Mating, and in 2006 it was found in the wild first bear Jrollar in the Canadian Arctic was shot, it is difficult to determine the number of bears Jrollar but with continued high temperature, there is a lot of bears Jrollar will generate.

9. Tortoise:
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Strange Things
In India there is a river known as the Gang River, which is actually one of the world's most repulsive rivers, as well as industrial pollutants. It is also a dumping ground for cremation, cremation in the river without burning, and bodies that have not been completely burned. The horrific scenes along the banks of the river, and every year the carnivorous turtles are launched in this river to help fight this problem, and the turtles after birth are fed dead body and that prevents them from attacking the swimmers in the river, they only approach the bodies only, and eat the turtles The bite is about a touch L of meat a day.

10. Tehran mice:
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Strange Things
Big cities all over the world are having problems with mice, but the huge, wild rats on the streets of Tehran are quite another. Tehran is under siege from huge sewer rats, some of them weigh more than 10 pounds. These mice are the result of a genetic mutation that occurred because mice were exposed to radiation The mice became bigger and looked different. Their weight jumped from 60 grams to 5 kilograms. The cats are now smaller than mice. The government has been desperate to find a solution to this problem, but they used snipers to roam the streets at night and hunt giant rats.

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