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Friday, February 23, 2018

Top 10 Great Facts About Animals

Animals are creatures that are familiar to most of us. We share this planet with a wonderful variety of animals. Animals are an important part of our lives. We rely on animals, we learn from animals, we also have a relationship with animals, but there are other living beings on this planet. Such as plants, bacteria and fungus.

In this article you need to know more about animals and why it is unlike other life forms on Earth, since animals are non-self-feeding and will make it clear that there are more than 3 million species of living organisms, The world is a blue whale, the period of the Cambrian explosion in which the rapid development of animals occurred.

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1 - the beginning of the emergence of animals from about 600 million years:

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The earliest evidence of life on Earth dates back to nearly 3.8 billion years. The first discovered fossils are ancient organisms called stromatolites. Stromatolites are not animals. Animals have not appeared for nearly 3.2 billion years, Cambrian, where the first animals appeared in the fossil record. Among these animals were Adikara Biyota, a variety of tubular and tuberous living creatures that lived between 635 and 543 million years. These living creatures disappeared at the end of the pre-Cambrian period.

2 - animals depend on other organisms in food and energy:

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Animals need energy in all aspects of their lives, including growth, evolution, movement, metabolism, reproduction and animals. Unlike plants, animals are not able to convert sunlight into energy through a process called photosynthesis, Self-feeding, which means that animals can not produce their food and instead must be devouring plants and other living organisms as a way to get the carbon and energy they need for vital processes and survival.

3. Animals have the ability to move:

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Animals Unlike plants that are fixed in their foundation for growth, most animals have the ability to move during some or all of their life cycle. The ability of many animals to move is clear. Fish swim, birds fly, and mammals go up, climb, walk, For example, sponges are stable or stable for most of their life cycle, but spongy provides larvae in free swimming. In addition, some types of sponges may be able to move at a rate of Very slow (about a few ml Per meter per day). Examples of other sitting animals that move very slowly include barnacles or glasses and coral reefs.

4 - all animals are multicellular Eukaryotic:

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All animals have bodies that are made up of several cells, or in other words multicellular. In addition to these eukaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells are complex cells that contain nuclei and various cellular organisms in their membranes. The nucleic acid inside the eukaryotic cells is formed within the chromosomes , There is an exception of animals such as sponge which is the simplest of all animals, animal cells are organized into tissues of animals that perform different functions, animal tissues include connective tissue, muscle tissue, epithelial tissue, nervous tissue.

5 - Animals vary to millions of different species:

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The animals originated about 600 million years ago and this led to the development of animals to an extraordinary number and variety of life forms. As a result, many animals evolved into different forms of life and in the style of movement, access to food, sensing in their environment, During this period the numbers of animal groups and species have increased, and in some cases decreased, and today scientists estimate that there are more than 3 million species of living organisms.

6. Cambrian explosion was a critical time for animals:

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The Cambrian explosion occurred about 570 to 530 million years ago, during which the rate of animal diversity was both marked and rapid. During the Cambrian explosion, early organisms evolved into many different and more complex forms. During this time period Almost all animals have evolved their body structure, and the sophisticated body structure still exists to this day.

7- Sponge is the simplest of all animals:

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Sponge is the simplest of all animals, and sponges like other animals are multicellular. But here is the end of similarity. As the sponge lacks the specialized tissues found in all other animals, the sponge body consists of cells that are an integral part of the cellular tissue material. In this fabric, which forms a structure supporting the sponge, the sponge has many small pores and channels that are distributed throughout the sponge body that serve as a filter feeding system, which enables them to filter or purify nutrients from the current water, Sponges from all other animal groups are early in the development of animals.

Most animals have neurons and muscle cells:

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All animals except sponges have specialized cells in their bodies called neurons. Neurons transmit electrical signals to other cells. Neurons transport and interpret a wide range of information about animals such as movement, environment, and orientation. In vertebrates, neurons are the building blocks The advanced nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves, and invertebrate animals have a nervous system consisting of fewer neurons than those in vertebrates, but this does not mean that the nervous system of these invertebrates is simple, The nervous system of animals invertebrate is an effective and very successful in solving the problems facing the survival of these animals.

Most animals are similar:

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Most animals with the exception of sponge are identical, and there are different forms of symmetry in a variety of animals, there is the radial symmetry found in stingy organisms such as sea urchins, and also in some types of sponges, a kind of symmetry where the animal's body can be divided into two similar halves through a line Passing through the animal's body length, animals that show radial symmetry are shaped as a disk, tubular, or vascular shape, and there are skin thorns like sea stars that show a five-point radial symmetry called pentaradial symmetry.

There is also binary symmetry, another type of symmetry present in many animals, and binary symmetry is a type of symmetry where the animal's body can be divided along the vertical level of vertical that extends from head to back and divide the animal's body to the right half and left half.

The largest living animal is the blue whale:

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 The blue whale of marine mammals that can reach a weight of more than 200 tons, the largest blue whale live animals, and other large animals include the African elephant, the Comodo dragon, and the giant squid.

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