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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 diseases of dogs infectious to humans

We can have nice frivian friends who love them a lot and play with them or go hiking with them, but unfortunately, what we do not know is that dogs carry compounds to a number of germs that can infect us, while some of these things may be worse than just them Infectious, so you should be fully aware of these diseases, including:

10. Ringworm:
Believe it or not, ringworm is not a worm, but it is actually a fungal infection that affects your dog's skin and can also spread to other parts of its body, one of the most common ailments comes through the claws, which is also contagious to the pet owner who can The disease is a highly contagious disease that can be passed on to your dog by simple contact. You should wash and clean the bedspreads that the dog reaches, clean any eating utensils or any soft furnishings that may be touched. Dust regularly to remove any germs may be in the place where the dog lives Let a dog sleep on your bed or even your post on the couch.

9. Worm:
Also known as septicemia, an infection transmitted from animals caused by parasitic worms that are usually found in your dog's intestines, and anyone who can get this worm by swallowing anything by mistake may contact the dog feces containing the infectious sebaceous eggs, There are approximately 13.9% of the US population have antibodies to sebaceous disease suggesting that many of them may already be exposed to the parasite parasite, and most of the infections are not serious, and many people, especially adults, may not notice any symptoms and you can avoid getting this worm By ensuring that the dog is free of these Convicted on a regular basis, and wash your hands thoroughly after playing with your dog, before eating, or after cleaning dog feces, as well as cleaning the living area of ​​the dog at least once every week.
10 من امراض الكلاب المعدية للانسان
8. Tapeworms:
Longworms, or flatworms are worms that stick to your dog's intestines. These worms can be assessed in the intestines of the person by introducing contaminated stool effects, or if the person is accidentally swallowed by an infected flea. This worm will be present in your stool at Going to the toilet, there are certain types of tapeworms found in dogs that may cause serious diseases in humans, especially when left untreated, can form abscesses in the human body, which occur mostly in the liver and lungs, which can grow to more than this, At this stage, surgical removal is often required However, to prevent tapeworms in dogs, they should be given a certain preventive medicine for tapeworm infections, and to stop their transmission to humans. , Wash hands after handling the dog before preparing or eating.

7. Adawi Al-Ateefah:
Spondylosis is a bacterial infection usually found in puppies younger than six months, but can also be found in the intestines of very large dogs. There are up to 49% of dogs carry these unconventional bacteria, and may be in their waste, which leaves Interestingly, Adawi is currently the most common cause of food borne diseases in the United States and produces more cases of Salmonella or E. coli. Although infected with Staphylococcus aureus may have Light symptoms, such as soft stool It can only develop into fever, headaches, muscle aches, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

6_ Maltese fever:
Worming fever is one of the most common infectious diseases. Wavy fever is transmitted either by eating infected food products or by inhalation. It comes from direct contact with infected animals. These include simple flu-like symptoms such as chills, fever, fatigue, muscle pain and joints. It disappears and goes back for several more weeks and can come months later, so it sometimes comes back years later, even after the treatment is given. The first sign of Maltese meat on the dog is the possibility of walking and lethargy, and believe it or not, The Strayed way to prevent brucellosis I have a dog and thus prevent your enemy you, Taqiam the dog, are regarded as one of the ways of infecting a dog with RVF sexual contact, as it must be based to prevent situations where there is a direct exchange between the dogs of liquids, this is very important.

5. Giardia parasite:
Giardia is one of the parasites that live in your dog's intestines. It affects large dogs as well as puppies. This parasite enters the system of the dog when it ingests the parasites that may be latent in water or other contaminants in faeces, either from diseases caused by Giardia infection, Which causes diarrhea, and in order to protect yourself and your dog from this parasite must make the conditions surrounding your dog safe, especially drinking water should be clean, this is the best way to prevent the dog from injury, the hygiene factor is very important, especially when dealing with dog feces, Be sure to wash your hands well.

4_ Lyme Disease:
We find that a particular type of tick may be the most common carrier of Lyme disease, which is mainly caused by the bacteria that are transmitted by this infected tick when fed to your dog, and while you can not get Lyme disease directly from your dog, But you can get it from the infected tick and when this happens, this tick will leave you with flu-like symptoms. If the disease is not detected early, bacteria that cause Lyme disease can enter the heart and nervous system, causing meningitis , And the damage of sensory nerves, always with the disease look for a cure An early warning that is likely to be infected by ticks such as a red rash with an "bull eye" in the center died.

3. Leptospirosis:
Also known as autumn fever or mud fever. It affects both animals and humans. These thinly spore bacteria produce the severe disease of the dog that appears in the kidneys, liver and other vital organs. Dogs can spread this bacteria to humans through urine. Do not be fooled. Some dogs become long-term carriers while they are healthy, putting family health at risk. In humans, symptoms can range from nothing to mild flu-like symptoms such as headache, muscle aches, fever, and severe bleeding. Lungs, meningitis, and in line cases When a person is infected with kidney failure and bleeding, a person is known as a Weil disease.

2. Salmonella infection:
If you think you can only get Salmonella from eggs and raw chicken only you are wrong, you can get them from your dog as well, and Salmonella infection is actually not a joke but it leads to intestinal disorders, pregnancy miscarriage and septicemia, There are more than 2000 different types of salmonella, and the infected dog usually does not show any symptoms, although at times it will show symptoms of gastroenteritis, but strict hygiene is necessary to prevent further spread of the disease.

1. Rabies:
If the dog likes to be outdoors, it should be given a vaccine for the prevention of rabies. It is very necessary. This disease is mainly transmitted through saliva. The risk of this disease on your dog is dangerous. It can be fatal either through the bite of another infected animal, It is the most common method, when the saliva is saliva or touching the open wound of another animal. For humans, this disease can be picked up from your dog the same way it is picked up by a bite, or by contact with saliva or open wound or scratch, , Symptoms can be detected at first, and by the time they begin to appear, but in many Sometimes it is too late, and the best defense against rabies for you and your dog is through vaccination. If you think your dog (or you) have contacted a rabid animal, you should immediately wash the wound with soap and water To medical assistance immediately.

Finally, although the chances of getting the disease from your dog are relatively low, it is still important to maintain good hygiene to make sure you will not get the disease by simply touching the dog, saliva, or stool, and should be attentive to infants and children without Five years, they suffer from a lack of immune system and as a rule they are at greater risk.

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