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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the strangest animals you see only rainforests

There are some animals in parts of the world that you might not imagine exist on our planet. There are a bunch of weirdest animals that you can see in some places like rainforests and you can not see them anywhere else.

Rainforests are truly an incredible place of mind, they are an ecosystem of their own. They contain a variety of mind-boggling lives, apart from abundant trees and plants, but rainforests are home to abundant species of amphibians, insects, mammals, fish, On a large scale, there is an incredible diversity between the ecological force that characterizes these rainforests and the abundant center of life that is unparalleled anywhere else in the world. Of course, among these animals in rainforests, there are certainly some of them It should be spoken like:

1. Water Pig:
10 من اغرب الحيوانات تراها فقط الغابات المطيرة
The strangest animals
When most people think of rainforest mammals, the water hog is a great example, like bats and monkeys, but much more diverse than them. Kabibara is one of the biggest rodents in the world, and the water pig is a very social organism. It lives in groups Up to 100 individuals, as the water pig of herbivores that pose no danger to anyone, the pig is a reddish-brown water, and a pig hogs like a big grass rat around the trees.

2. Cat Caterpillar:
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The strangest animals
It is also known as the caftan, an unpopular name for large vertebrates, and the Cat Caterpillar is a shining example of the strangeness of animals in rainforests. In the end, this flannel moth looks very much like anything borrowed, Larvae, this is not a hair but a spiny spine that would cause irritation, and this does not seem to help him camouflage as much as a warning weapon protects him from predators and humans.

3. Pink Dolphin:
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The strangest animals
Also known as the Amazon River Dolphin, there are five types of dolphins that take rivers from their homes, and pink dolphins are not the same dolphins as we see in the ocean. Pink dolphins have special modifications in their habitat, so dolphins find that the rivers are far from the sea dolphins, Pink dolphins are the friendly and social creatures that have lived for centuries in the Amazon region and its tributaries, but the rapid destruction of the Amazon basin and many other threats put the pink dolphin in a more dangerous position as it has not borne the increase in pollution levels of mercury that has caused the wear The number of deaths among pink dolphins, also increasing traffic in the Amazon River, threatens these creatures very much.

4. Acacia:
10 من اغرب الحيوانات تراها فقط الغابات المطيرة
The strangest animals
The animal is a very special creature, belongs to the family Giraffe, may be one of the most important features in both the giraffes and giraffe is the tongue where they have a tongue capable of catching something long and may be used by the cabs not only to seize the leaves and branches, but also helps the animal To care for himself, and the pain is characterized by dark colors with white lines on the legs, so we can look at him and see the extent of similarity with a zebra from afar. , And the Acacia has a great popularity in various zoos throughout the USA and Europe.

5. Spider Bagheera Kiplingi:
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The strangest animals
This creature of strange creatures, it is a jumping spider with bright colors, and has a really distinctive grip, but what makes it distinct from the other spiders is that he is a lover, so he is unique is not a carnivore and is not as scary as his brothers, but also despite It sometimes needs to return to the diphtheria on the larvae or carnivores, usually involved in a kind of mutual agreement with the ants who live in the same area, although it is mostly from solitary organisms.

6. Tortoise Mata Mata:
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The strangest animals
If you have seen one of the Mata Mata turtles, I will not be surprised if you do not, this tortoise of exotic turtles, living in fresh water, and the turtle Mata Mata is very skilled in camouflage and is characterized by its large size with a flat head and a shell covered with all kinds of decorations , And the turtle Mata Mata in the water immobile camouflage and take from the plants shield them until the fish come, and here they bite it with their mouths, and in fact this turtle of creatures that prove that the manifestations may be deceptive.

7. Glass frogs:
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The strangest animals
Most of these frogs live in trees and streams, and from the very first sight these frogs think they are just tree frogs, usually green, not three inches tall. The lower side of the body is so transparent that you can see the internal organs, but we do not see this feature developed for other types, but strangely, we do not see the belly of a living organism every day.

8. The bald parrot:
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The strangest animals
This bird has been identified only recently, and called it by rib, because it is different from the rest of the parrots, as it has a wide range of colors on its body we find orange or pink and the color faded around the eye, but his head is completely bald and his back too.

9. Lazy animal:
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The strangest animals
The lazy animal is a familiar animal and its social relationships are usually slow and characterized by indolence, but it is still interesting in its way of cutting its own wood. It is also strange in the lazy animal that his hair actually grows in the opposite direction of most mammals, To protect against external elements, we find that he acquired his name because he is an animal species that does not move fast and rarely leaves trees, and recently it has been revealed that he sleeps ten hours a day, and like tree creatures we find it rare to be on the ground, but it is a good swimmer.

10. Candero:
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The strangest animals
Kandero is a parasite fish and is found in the Amazon River region, a transparent fish of about 2.5 cm (1 inch) in length. The mandarillo is fed on blood. Sometimes it attacks humans, and has short spines on its back. Gill, and thus may cause inflammation, severe bleeding and even death to his victim.

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