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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the most beautiful birds in the world

This article can answer your questions about what is the most beautiful bird in the world, in fact there are some species that certainly shows some of the outstanding features that make it one of the most beautiful birds in the world, and here is a list of 10 birds are among the most beautiful birds in the world.

10. The most beautiful bird in the world Macau Sapphire:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
The sapphire is one of the most beautiful birds in the world with its magnificent length of 100 cm, making it the largest of all parrots in the world. The saucer is located in semi-open areas and savannah in northern Brazil, In the past, today, there are fewer than 5,000 Macau birds, and the loss of habitat and hunting are among the main threats to the Macao.

This bird is famous for its blue feathers with bright yellow rings around the eyes, and as a result of this stunning coloration, also called the "blue parrot" as it has a long curved curved tail, and it is impressive for the macaque sapphire parrot that with proper training, it can become a pet The excellent, all you have to offer is a lot of space, and the sapphire Macao is very hardwooded parrots.

9. One of the most beautiful birds in the world mandolin duck:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
Mandolin is one of the most colorful water birds in the world, and it is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. The birds are known for their bright green mandolin, white head and dark red chest along the neck. It also has narrow white lines and is engraved on its blue and black wings.

The mandolin ducks are not as colorful as males, they have a gray and brown head, a white belly and white dotted breasts, and male ducks use mandolin feathers to attract female birds during the breeding season, mandolin ducks inhabiting marshes and wooded forests all over North America and coloring them In its unique form, mandolin ducks are also one of the most easily recognizable birds in North America, unlike other aquatic birds.

8. The most beautiful bird in the world Flying Bohemian:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
This bohemian bird is a medium sized bird with a distinctive crowned head and a black mask. It is among the most beautiful birds in the world. It comes in brown and gray in general and its wings are white and yellow. Thus, the Bohemian bird is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. The bird inhabits the northern forests throughout North America and Eurasia, mostly found in Canada and Alaska, and in winter, migrates in large herds to the northwestern parts of the United States, nesting on tree branches, known for both male and female birds that is their Sound tones This bird feeds mainly on insects and berries.

7. The most beautiful bird in the world Jay Blue:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
Jay Blue is one of the most intelligent birds in the world and is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. It is found in the forests of East and Central America, and the blue Jay is characterized by amazing blue, white and black feathers. The most distinctive feature of this bird is that it is noisy, It can also steal small hawks and birds 'eggs, easily mimicking the falcons' sound to deceive other birds.

Blue Jay is said to be able to imitate human speech and the voice of other pets. Blue Jay birds are found in small herds, but in the winter they migrate to the south. They also form large swarms of hundreds of individuals. , And the behavior of migration is still a mystery among scientists, this bird does not migrate in the winter, it migrates while some of the birds are still in its natural territory, and also, does not migrate annually.

6. One of the most beautiful birds in the world Parrot Plunger:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
Known as the Atlantic Bird, one of the most beautiful birds in the world, is a sea bird that adapts well and found a parrot parrot on the coasts of the Northeast of the United States and Canada, also known as "Atlantic Buffalo" or "sea parrot", and parrot is a diver He is like a penguin, spends most of his life on the sea, has waterproof blades to warm his body while swimming, and flips his wings to swim on the surface and underwater.

The Atlantic Buffalo has an excellent snorkeling capacity of up to 60 m deep, usually doing so to catch snakes, and can reach 55 mph as it flaps its wings up to 400 times per minute. Every summer and spring in the North Atlantic Islands, he builds a nest using feathers and grass in the burrows on the slopes, and the female lay only one egg and the egg takes 45 days to hatch, and after hatching, the big puffs leave the nest to find food for the chicks, they bring small fish to their young, The Atlantic can carry between 10-30 fish in its beak enormous .

5. One of the most beautiful birds in the world Taujan:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
The giant tujan is one of the world's most spectacular birds, one of the largest and most beautiful birds in the world. It is characterized by a multi-colored beak that can be up to 20 cm in length and because of its colored beak, also known as the rainbow beak, It is a mixture of green, red and yellow colors, and although its beak appears thickly, the beak is hollow and light and consists of one type of protein called keratin. In fact, it uses its large colored beak to attract the female during the breeding season and also as a defensive weapon.

This beautiful bird lives in the forest throughout Central and South America. It is about 20 cm long and weighs up to 4 kg. Its feather is mostly black with a yellow color on the throat and chest. The birds are very social and form small swarms containing up to Thirty birds live in any of the natural holes and its food consists mainly of insects, lizards, and eggs.

4. One of the most beautiful birds in the peacock world:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
There are three types of peacocks in the world, the Indian peacock, the Congo, the green peacock, and the Indian peacocks are the most common type among peacocks found all over the world and they are one of the most beautiful birds in the world. The male peacock is famous for its feathers, iridescent colors, and peacocks can grow up to 5 feet In length, this makes it one of the largest flying birds in the world. In fact, the length of the peacock tail represents 60% of its total length, and its review of the colored tail is probably the show of engagement between the bird family and the reflection of the light. .

3. One of the most beautiful birds in the world Flamingo:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
Flamengo is probably one of the most famous birds in the world and is one of the most beautiful birds in the world and is also called the name of a flaming bird, a red-purple bird with amazing color feathers, which makes it a very special place among birds, there are 6 different types of flamingos in the world , The researchers found on all continents except Antarctica, Flamengo length of 4 - 5 feet in length, and weighs up to 3.6 kg, and long and meager and has a distinctive curve beak.

The flamingos are also very long, measured between 30 - 50 inches, and this long beak allows him to catch small fish, larvae and plankton in clay. Flamingos live in large colonies, including thousands of them. Their diet consists mainly of artemia, plankton and blue green algae , As Flamengo spends hours on oil and this helps keep the blades always in good condition.

2. The most beautiful bird in the world Parrot Scarlet:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
The Scarlet Parrot is one of the most beautiful and large members of the parrot family. It is also one of the most beautiful birds in the world. It lives in evergreen and moist forests throughout Central and South America. It is famous for colored feathers. It has red feathers with blue color. The scarlet parrot is painted in white and a black head, and the adult parrot is 80 to 90 cm long and weighs up to 1.5 kg and can reach 35 mph.

Scarlet parrots also live for a long time between 40 - 50 years, and the scarlet parrots in captivity are said to live up to 75 years. The Scarlet Parrot is also one of the most intelligent birds in the world, and scarlet parrots do different kinds of sounds such as shouting Coughs, their diet consists mainly of nuts, seeds, fruits and insects, and scarlet parrots can easily break any nuts.

1. One of the most beautiful birds in the world Golden Pheasant:
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The most beautiful birds in the world
The golden pheasant is famous for its wonderful colored feathers, which is the most beautiful bird list in the world. It has a beautiful golden yellow crown that tends to red, red shoulder blades and long pale brown tail. The male gold paddle is warmer than women and has tail feathers The black spots are eye-catching and the females have feathery brown feathers.

The bird lives in dense forests and jungles in western and central China, and males are taller than females. The adult golden pheasant is usually 42 inches long. Interestingly, the tail takes two-thirds of the total length of the bird's body. Cereals, seeds and insects.

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