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Monday, February 26, 2018

Ten of the richest rich men in the world throughout the ages

If someone asks you, "Who is the richest man of the world?" You may think of Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, but what you do not know is that even though these men are very rich, they are far from the list of 10 richest men. List of the top 10 richest men in the history of mankind including:

1- One of the richest people in the world Cornelius Vanderbilt:
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The richest of the world

He was born as a farmer and a poor navigator in May 1794. At the age of 11, Vanderbilt completed school and worked on cargo transportation. According to legend, at the age of 16 Vanderbilt ran his own sailing ship and contracted the US government to supply settlement outposts in the 1812 war. By the end of the war he had learned the art of shipbuilding and the first small fleet of boats under his control.

Over the next decade, Vanderbilt dominated the Hudson River through its luxury vessels and cheap prices, and extended its transportation to New York, Providence and Boston Railroad. Before 1846, Vanderbilt was a millionaire.

In 1877, at the age of 83, Vanderbilt underwent complications with his health, and today it is estimated that Cornelius Vanderbilt was calculating his wealth with GDP in 1877, now worth nearly $ 165 billion.

2 - the richest of the rich world Emperor Basil II:
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The richest of the world

Basil II was the Byzantine emperor for 49 years. He was the son of Romanus II and crowned emperor in 960 AD. His authority extended both domestically and abroad, forcing troops to march across Asia Minor and secure land in Georgia and Armenia.

The emperor was known for his many successful and successful campaigns, and his concentration in Macedonia eventually expanded the Byzantine Empire. Although Basil's wealth exceeded 168 billion dollars today, it was estimated that he had no heir and, at his death, the Byzantine Empire collapsed within Half a century.

3- One of the richest people in the world Marcos Lysenius Crassus:
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The richest of the world

Marcus Lysineus Crassus was the Roman general and politician who managed to transform the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire and accumulated a fairly large fortune during his life. His father was a wealthy senator and later married the wife of his deceased brother to secure a union between Sola and Rome.

At this time, Karasus began to acquire his wealth. He bought homes and property for citizens in Sula at the lowest prices and sold them at a very high profit. He also made huge profits from the sale and purchase of slaves who worked in the family silver mines. At the end of his life in 53 BC , I had Crassus wealth of nearly 170 billion dollars today.

4. One of the richest people in the world Henry Ford:
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The richest of the world

Ford was born on July 30, 1863, at his family farm in Wayne County, Michigan, and at the age of 16, Ford took apprenticeships. During his time there, Ford learned how Running and servicing steam engines. Edison then offered him an engineer, and later in just two years, and because of his natural talents, he was promoted to the chief engineer.

In 1896, Ford completed his plans and created a vehicle and introduced the first model. After several years of trial and error, Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company and introduced a model for many years. The company recorded only 100% of the gains. Henry Ford died of brain hemorrhage April 7, 1947, but the legacy he left never died, he was the leading businessman in the United States, Ford left behind the institutions, a new pattern of production, net worth of the equivalent of about 186 billion dollars today.

5. One of the richest people in the world Andrew Mellon:
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The richest of the world

From the age of 80 and alive, Andrew Mellon proved he deserved to be among the best rich men. He succeeded in many businesses. He was a businessman, banker and collector of art. Mellon was born on March 24, 1855, in Pittsburgh , And later 20 years later, he joined a banking company belonging to his father, and became its owner in 1882, and since then, the company has continued to increase and profit.

Eventually, he began providing capital, which led to the start of the American Aluminum Company and the Gulf Oil Company, and he was responsible for starting the Iron and Steel Company, which later merged with the United States Steel Company also, and before 1920 in the early Mellon is one of the richest men in the United States with a fortune of $ 188 billion today.

6 - Among the richest people of the world Osman Ali Khan:
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The richest of the world

Othman Ali Khan was born on April 6, 1886, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. In 1911, during his reign of 37 years, Osman established many policies that resulted in great benefits for his country, such as electricity, railways and the development of roads and sewers, Many irrigation projects, and Othman Ali Khan donated a huge amount of money to educational institutions. By the time he passed away in 1967, he had seven wives, 42 concubines and a fortune of about 230 billion dollars today.

7. One of the richest people in the world, William Henry Vanderbilt:
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The richest of the world

Born on May 8, 1821, in Brunswick, New Jersey, William Vanderbilt was one of 13 children and was the son of Cornelius Vanderbilt, who was one of the most skilled industrialists, and when he found his incompetent son abandoned to a farm on Staten Island, Improving farm earnings, and before 1864, William Henry was deputy chief of the main railway in New York, and in 1877, Vanderbilt became under William's presidency when his father passed away.

William maintained his father's legacy by expanding railroad operations across multiple cities. Unfortunately, William had to retire because of his health decline in 1883, but in a short time as head of the various railway lines, his family's wealth doubled from $ 100 million to $ 200 million, according to estimates today.

8- One of the richest people of the world Tsar Nicholas II:
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The richest of the world

Nicholas II was born on May 6, 1868, and was the last Czar in Russia under the rule of Romanov. When his father Alexander died in 1894, Nicholas II inherited the Russian throne and soon married Princess Alex of Hesse, Darmstadt, and gave birth to their first child, Olga, in 1895 , And by the following year, Nicholas was officially crowned Caesar of Russia, in 1897, his second child was born Tatiana, followed by the third daughter, Maria, and in 1899, he had a fourth child, named Anastasia in 1901, and later he had a son in 1904.

Over the next decade, the country was continuously plagued by war, riots and demonstrations. Before 1917, Nicholas was forced to step down, and his family was placed under house arrest.

Shortly thereafter, the Bolsheviks ignited the civil war. In the end, Nicholas II and his family were murdered by the Bolsheviks. In the 50 years that he was alive, Nicholas II collected around 900 million, equivalent to 300 million dollars today.

9- One of the richest people in the world Andrew Carnegie:
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The richest of the world

Andrew Carnegie was one of the richest businessmen of the 19th century and was the only one responsible for the creation of Carnegie Mellon University. Carnegie was born in 1835 in Denver, Scotland, and in 1848 his family moved to America and settled in Eventually in Pennsylvania, he found his first job and worked in the factory, and in 1853, Carnegie took up a job at the Pennsylvania Railroad and worked as an assistant to a senior rail official, Thomas Scott, and within three years, Carnegie got an upgrade, Is the supervisor.

While working in the railway department, he gained extensive experience in industry and business in general. However, this was not the only experience he had gained during his work. Carnegie also had many investments that later strengthened his work. In 1865, In 1889, Carnegie built the world's largest steel manufacturer. In 1901, Carnegie took his own business and sold his company to the United Steel Company, which earned him over $ 200 million.

10- One of the richest people in the world John Rockefeller:
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The richest of the world

John Rockefeller is often referred to as the "father of the world oil" born in 1839 and eventually became not only the founder of Standard Oulu but one of the richest men in the world. At the age of 16, Rockefeller earned a job as an accountant with Hewitt and Tuttle, Twenty years ago, Rockefeller worked with his trading partner as a trader, handling straw, meat, grain and other commodities, and his company made nearly $ 450,000 at the end of the first year.

In 1863, he found an opportunity in the oil field, and within two years, he was the largest in the surrounding area. By 1870, he established his own company, Standard Oil, and thanks to the favorable economic and industrial conditions of 1870 early, Standard Oil began to prosper , Its assets accounted for 1.5 percent of the US economic output, and today, its net worth was about 340 billion dollars.

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