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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the strangest types of cats

Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9500 years and cats are the most preferred pets in humans worldwide. Cat lovers know the value of cats and how much they are affectionate and how affectionate they are, but the world of cats goes beyond cats' feces. Selective breeding and gene inheritance between Generations of cats created cats unique and very distinctive so we came to you today with ten of the strangest types of cats recognize them.

List of 10 of the strangest types of cats descending:
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10- The strangest cat species Devon Rex cat:

The Devon Rex cat was born only about 1960 AD and has been proven to be genetically not related to the Corniche or the Rex breed. The strange thing about the Devon Rex cat is that its fur hair is very low, unlike most fur mammals that have a lot of hard fur hair But most of the fur is the fur of the abdomen or lower soft and soft fur and the biggest advantage makes Devon Rex cat unique that the fur hair of his stomach is curly and his eyes are somewhat large and ear low and large. Devon Rex cats are energetic, playful, friendly, and enjoy running and staying on people's shoulders, like parrots. They are also very intelligent cats, and can learn tricks such as bringing objects and walking around with their smooth neck.

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9 - the strangest types of cats Scottish fold:

Scottish cat or Scottish cat (and in Canada is called Coupari) and the reason why it is called cat fold because it has a gene makes the cartilage ear folds up to two or three times more than normal, making his ear turn to the front and give him this distinctive appearance and the more fold the ear The Scottish cat looks normal at birth, but after 21 days of birth, the ear cat begins to appear. The Scottish cat is generally friendly and loves the human and does not hate the other pets in the house. He also likes to sleep like a man with his back and Two feet straight from the hip.

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8- Of the strangest cat cats Short-tail Japanese:

The Japanese short-tail cat is born with a short rabbit-like tail and even jumps like rabbits since 1602 when the Japanese government demanded that all cats be collected free of charge to help protect silkworm fields from rodents.

So the cat was short-tail Japanese was a street cats born of cats of all colors and multi-species, most people have seen at least a kind of cat short-tail Japanese
 The most common of them is the Kaleiko or Mike in Japanese. The most popular of them in Japan is the cat who is the most curious and the most beautiful cat. He is never a blue-eyed, golden-eyed chromatin.
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Japanese mythology is the belief that the Japanese Maneki Neko or beckoning statue brings good luck to its owner. The Japanese short-tail cat sits on its hip and lifts its tentacles and is made in modern times of plastic or ceramics.

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7 - one of the strangest cats I've ever seen:

Many Siamese cats believe that cats are dotted with blue eyes, but in fact there are no Siamese cats, no kawns, or white ones. They are descendants of the ancient royal cat Siam, whose death sentence was death.

Khao Kao is impenetrable white as snow and eyes silver and golden color and is unique in many cultures of Indonesia. Kao Minya was not found outside Thailand until 1999 to be given to the breeders cats Fermus cats two dynasty of Khao Imna and became the first person Cattle are raised outside the nest.

In the book Tamra Miu or Cat's Book of Poems in 1350, Khao Khao was first mentioned in the book. This means that a cat was only raised in Thailand until 1999 for nearly 650 years.

Cannabis cats are very expensive because of the myth that they bring luck to the owner and who takes care of them in the UK the price of the cat ranges from 8 to 10 thousand dollars.

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6 - of the strangest cat species Savannah cat:

Savannah cats are incredibly interesting cats. They are the result of raising domestic cats with the African wild cat. The first was a Savannah cat. As a result, a male cat was never mated with a female Siamese cat, but the cat was never considered Savannah until several generations later. Bigger than their grandchildren.

The F1 symbol means that one cat's religion was never domestic and the other African, often weighed about 13.6 kg and the symbol F2 means that the cat has different ancestors and so to include the authenticity of the cat from 50% to 75% So that cat breeders will never get 87.5%.

Savannah cats are often compared to dog loyalty. They always follow their owners around the house and can bring in objects. They can be tied to a chain around their necks. They can walk with their owners. Savannah cats greet people with their heads and sometimes people break their heads to greet them.

Savannah cats like water Unlike other cats, they may jump in the bathroom to join their owners even if they put a bowl of water next to them and play in the water until emptying. Savannah cats can jump in the air up to 8 feet of sitting position and like to sing and make sounds from meow, whisper and kink.

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5 - the strangest types of cats never cup Persian tea:

The Persian cup of Persian tea has become very popular lately, because many people moved to small houses and apartments. Because of the narrowness of the place, people were interested in pet selection, such as the Persian tea cup, which was not the result of a genetic mutation, Of small Persian cats.

Persian cats are unique cats that look exactly like ordinary Persian cats, with long fur and distinctive flat face, but adult females never grow to weigh more than 2.7 kg. Adult males do not exceed 3kg weight while normal Persian cats It weighs between 4.5 kg to about 6 kg, while the length of cats Persian tea cup is sitting at 20 cm and 32 ml, while the Persian adult adult cats are between 25 cm to 38 cm.

Despite the small size of Persian tea cup cats, they suffer from many diseases such as common Persian cats such as urinary tract disorders, lupus erythematosus, ulcers and various cancers.

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4- One of the weirdest cat species was Munchkin:

Manchkin cats do not have specific colors, but because of genetic mutation, they are characterized by short legs that do not hinder them from running or jumping in any way. The problem with the cats Manchkin lies in genetics, the cat with the parents of Manchkin does not have a chance to survive because of this did not recognize the community of cats on the family Manchkin Sui is a hereditary disease because it is due to heredity and is born with a defective breast and a deformed spine.

Manchkin cats are a separate species of cats, but they are also similar to other species of cats such as Rex Devon or Burmese cats, which are similar to the large head and short legs.

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3 - The strangest types of cats never Pixie Bob:

The Pixie Bob cat is a relatively large breed of cats and is entirely pet, but it looks like a small bobcat cat. The Bixie Bob cat was originally born from a wild cat and a stray cat, and was not the result of hybrid cats as the original breeder claimed.

There is nothing to distinguish the Pixie Bob cats, but what is interesting about them is that they rarely release meow or do not make the sound of meow at all and communicate through chirping like birds.

Pixie Bob cats follow their owners around the house and are incredibly smart and enjoy bringing in objects and walking with their owner. They are attached to the chain and are able to understand some human words and commands.

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2- One of the strangest cats I have ever had:

Catfish is one of a group of cat breeds known as the Dwarf Dynasty and is the result of the Munchkin mutation with the Sphynx cat and its appearance seems to be a very small Sphinx in size.

It is a very modern breeding species. It has been around since 1998 and the first cat was born in 2000. By 2005, there was only 50 cat species.

There can be no sin between a platoon with a cat and a Bambino who is the result of never breeding a Sphinx with any Munchkin cat, a cat who has to be one of his parents never Munchkin with Devon Rex.

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1 - one of the strangest types of cats Sphynx (Sphynx):

Sphynx cat or Canadian cat bald breed of cats born without fur dating back to 1966, and this cat is incredibly rare because of delayed reproduction. The first cat was named Bernie and died without mentioning and in 1967 was rescued Sphinx cat and Her children and after the Sphinx species were mentioned for the second time, two cats were transferred from it to London where the breeding of the Sphinx cats began.

Contrary to popular belief, Sphinx is not really bald, but is covered by a very short fur, soft and fuzzy, and it can grow eyebrows and some capillaries.

Sphinx cats need to shower about once a week and their natural skin oils are not absorbed by their fur so they accumulate on their skin and gain their own smell. Although they are without thick fur, they are as sensitive as the rest of cats. They still produce protein in their skin oil and saliva. Sensitivity to people exposed to it.

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