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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the most dangerous animals in the world in terms of bites

There are many people who are always asking about the most dangerous animals in the world or what is the most dangerous animal in the world, and the answer to this question needs some detail. There are many criteria that are based on the selection of the most dangerous animals in the world including strength, speed, In terms of the strength of bites and beatings, which we will talk about today, our list today to the most dangerous animals in the world in terms of the strength of bites and their impact on humans and other animals.

10. The Lion:
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The most dangerous animals
The lion's bite is estimated at 600 pounds per square inch, and the lion is called "the king of the jungle" because of its tremendous power. Although he has lived in the forest since ancient times, blacks are the only social cats in the world. When hunting, the lion has a weak bite compared to other animals. In hunting, it usually strangles its prey by biting its own trachea, making it lacking the need for strong bite. The black catches at any time but usually hunts big prey at night. He drinks water daily if he can not drink to extend Five black days are found in Africa, Asia and Europe, and are classified into two breeds. We find Asian lions living in the forest of Gir in India, and we find African lions living in central and southern Africa. Although the two baskets look alike, They are very different in size, living space, diet, and more.

9. Tiger:
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The most dangerous animals
The leopard bite is estimated at 660 pounds per square inch and is 3.3 meters long. It is larger than all Asian big cats and leopards rely primarily on sight and sound rather than smell. Like black, the leopard tends to bite the throat when attacking its prey to reduce air and blood flow In the head of animals, but it has a strong bite, almost twice the lion bite, and the tiger can consume up to 88 pounds of meat at one time. On average, the tigers give birth to two or three cubs every two years, and the tiger generally acquires its independence in a second Of age and reaches sexual maturity at the age of three or four years for the Four to five years for males, tigers are mostly solitary animals, and tigers are under intense pressure from overfishing, retaliation and loss of livelihood, and unfortunately have to compete for space with often dense and growing human populations.

8. Spotted Hyena:
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The most dangerous animals
We have not found certain information about the severity of the bite so far, but the spotted hyena has one of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom, where it was observed crushing the bones of a giraffe, has distinctive jaws where he can reach the bone marrow of his prey, Any animal that eats what remains of other predators, its prey often eat the remains of other predator food, but also skilled hunters. It will kill wild animals or antelopes. It kills and eats birds, lizards, snakes and insects.
In increasingly densely populated Africa, both hyenas and humans are frequent. In fact, the Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania leave their dead to be eaten by the hyenas. However, these animals are smart and daring to raid stores of food and crops, The spotted hyena is a lot of blame as it is the cause of some cattle deaths and even some human deaths.

7. Bear the Ashhab:
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The most dangerous animals
The sharp bear bite is about 1,200 pounds per square inch. This strain, especially in North America, is known for its incredible size and aggression. Despite its size, it can reach speeds of up to 56 kilometers per hour. The sharp bear feeds on berries and walnuts. Yellowstone National Park was observed and photographed trying to hunt wild animals, and the bear is considered the most aggressive bear of other bears because of its size undoubtedly, and the bear has a strong grizzly hook, which helps him to defend himself from wolves and other infiltrators, Humans if surprised by one or if With a quandary.

6. Gorilla:
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The most dangerous animals
The gorilla bite is estimated at about 1,300 lbs per square inch. Some may be surprised by its plant nature. Although gorillas are a strong candidate on this list, their jaws were adapted primarily for chewing solid plants such as bamboo, which helped them possess strong jaw and neck muscles The gorilla has traditionally been seen as a terrifying monster in recent years, but in recent years its image has changed completely. It has become the "gentle giant". It is considered the closest of our relatives after the chimpanzees, but their numbers are rapidly shrinking. Usually They are found on the ground in groups of up to 30 adult male gorillas who lead these groups, but in general gorillas tend to be mild creatures and pose no danger to humans.

5. Hippo:
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The most dangerous animals
Hippopotamus is estimated to be about 1821 lbs per square inch. Hippopotamus is considered one of the most powerful herbivores. The hippopotamus is one of the most terrifying animals in Africa because it is an aggressive animal. It is known to hit small boats and attack crew members. Hippopotamus comes from the Greek language meaning "water horse" because of the hippopotamus and its love of water. The hippopotamus's closest relatives are whales and cows. It belongs to the arrangement of finger-pairs that contain many animals with an alfalfa. And horses Also goats.

4. Tiger Jaguar:
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The most dangerous animals
The jaguar tiger bite is about 2,000 pounds per square inch, the jaguar tiger has the strongest bite from any other cat, and it also has the strongest bite from any other mammal. The jaguar tiger is the true king of the jungle. The jaguar tiger has been found from Mexico to Argentina, Like many other large cats (except the lion), the Jaguar tiger is considered an uncommon killer. The Jaguar tiger is famous for its ability to successfully kill anaconda. Its powerful organ can easily penetrate the shellfish of many animals, such as turtles, The word Jaguar comes from the Indian word m Which means "killed with a single jump." Although the jaguar tiger is smaller than its cousins ​​in Africa and Asia, it is still the largest cat in the Americas.

3. The American Crocodile:
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The most dangerous animals
The US crocodile bite is about 2125 pounds per square inch, and the American crocodile is one of only two crocodiles in the world. The other species are Chinese crocodiles. The US crocodile population is estimated at about 5 million, 1.2 million of them live in Florida. From places like: Florida, Texas, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Georgia, and Alabama, either their diet consists mainly of fish turtles and small mammals.

2. Saltwater Crocodile:
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The most dangerous animals
These monsters were found from East India to Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. In fact, crocodiles in saltwater eat anything that can be crossed from the water buffalo to fish and even sharks. When it comes to this giant, we will find more Attacks on humans more than any other crocodile, the saltwater crocodile is the largest of all living reptiles, as well as the largest on the ground, males can reach this type of crocodile to sizes up to 6.3 meters (20.7 feet) and weighs up to about 1360 Kg (3000 lbs), and females are much smaller, often do not exceed 3 meters (9.8 feet), This type of crocodiles can live in salt water, but it usually resides in the swamps, estuaries and rivers, the Delta, and lakes.

1. Nile Crocodile:
10 من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم من حيث اللدغات بالصور
The most dangerous animals
There are many experiments that say that the Nile crocodile is actually less than a saltwater crocodile, but most other sources say that the crocodile bite of the Nile is about 5000 pounds per square inch. Here the Nile crocodiles tend to be the same size as the saltwater crocodiles, The bite of the Nile crocodile will be on the same scale as the saltwater crocodile bite. They are interchangeable when it comes to the size issue, but these numbers may vary because of the difficulty of measuring each bite and getting the right size. The Nile crocodiles eat mainly their cousins ​​and attack anything that happens. Cross it on its way, this Includes zebra, birds and even small hippos.

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