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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the finest and most beautiful birds on the face of the earth

Human beings do not live alone on earth. God has given our planet many plants, animals, birds, flowers and many other things. If I ask you, what is the most beautiful bird on Earth? It is difficult to find an answer to this question because all the birds are no exception, beautiful and wonderful, but there are about 10,000 species of birds on the ground, so we will talk about 10 of the most beautiful birds that still live on Earth.

1 - the most beautiful birds in the world Golden Pythagoras:
طائر الدراج الذهبي من اجمل الطيور في العالم
Golden bird is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

This bird is the most beautiful bird among the birds around the world, what characterizes this bird and make it the most beautiful bird is the golden color and reddish feathers on his head, this bird is named by this name because of this feature, usually in the west and central China.

2 - the most beautiful bird in the world Parrot Macao Scarlet:
ببغاء المكاو القرمزي من اجمل الطيور في العالم
The Scarlet Macao Parrot is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

The macaque parrot is usually found in Central and South America. It belongs to the parrot family, a very colorful parrot with red feathers and a blue back. The scarlet wings of Macao are mainly yellow and decorated in green. Besides being one of the most beautiful birds in the world, Birds in the world where he can easily learn words, sounds and tricks.

3 - one of the most beautiful birds in the world Flamingo:
طائر الفلامنجو من اجمل الطيور في العالم
Flamingo is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

This bird is found in almost every continent except Antarctica. This species of birds lived in large families such as penguins. They have purple feathers of beautiful colors. There are about six different types of flamingos in the world. And their diet includes shrimp, plankton, blue and green algae, and is one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

4- One of the most beautiful birds in the world Peacock bird:
طائر الطاووس من اجمل الطيور في العالم
Peacock bird is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

They belong to the peacock family. The family is divided into three species: Indian peacock birds, Congo peacocks and green clay birds. The Indian species is the most common in the world. The most prominent feature of the peacock is that tail feathers change color when placed in different angles. Depending on the reflection of light, the color of the tail changes and this makes the peacock one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

5 - one of the most beautiful birds in the world Tupan sulfur:
طائر الطوقان الكبريتي من اجمل الطيور في العالم
Tupan is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

A unique feature of this bird is its multi-colored beak, which makes it one of the most beautiful birds in the world. This beak can be up to 20 cm in length, usually in Central and South America. These birds eat little because of their heavy beak.

6 - one of the most beautiful birds in the world Parrot bird Plunger:
ببغاء الغطاس من اجمل الطيور في العالم
Parrot is the most beautiful bird in the world

Parrot is a sea bird that is mostly in the north of the United States and eastern Canada. Its shape is very similar to that of a parrot. It is also considered a sea parrot. They also have huge and colorful feathers. The mixture of colors in the feathers of these birds resembles the colors of the penguins. , And can also flap their wings for swimming on the water and also underwater, and are among the most beautiful birds on earth.

7 - the most beautiful bird in the world Blue Bird Blue:
طائر القيق الأزرق من اجمل الطيور في العالم
Blue bird is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

These beautiful birds are among the smartest and most beautiful birds in the world, mostly in eastern and central North America. They can imitate the falcons' sound in order to escape other birds and steal the eggs and the nest. This makes them one of the brightest birds in the world and one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

8- The most beautiful bird in the world Flying winged wing:
الطائر الشمعي الجناح من اجمل الطيور في العالم
The Wax Wing is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

It is mainly found in the forests of North America and Eurasia which are mainly in Canada and Alaska, they have a very nice voice, and their body is very beautiful brown color which makes them among the most beautiful birds in the world.

9 - One of the most beautiful birds in the world Mandelin duck:
بطة الماندلين من اجمل الطيور في العالم
Mandelin duck is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

Usually in North America, they build their nest in tree holes. They are very beautiful birds because of their colored bodies. Their head and chest are colored green and this makes them one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

10-of the most beautiful birds in the world sapphire saucer:
طائر المكاو الياقوتي من اجمل الطيور في العالم
The sapphire is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

These birds belong to the parrot family, one of the largest parrots in the world and 100 cm long, and it is among the endangered species, mainly due to hunting and loss of habitat, most of these birds in northern Brazil, and one of the most beautiful parrots in the world.

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