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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 information helps you understand the life of birds

Birds are one of the six main groups in the animal kingdom along with reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fish and protozoan birds. Birds also have feather coats and most species have the ability to fly. In this article we will discover 10 basic information about birds:

1. There are about 10,000 species of birds:
It is somewhat surprising that there are about 10,000 known species of birds all over the world. The most common species of birds are the birds, the birds that float on the surface, which are characterized by their foot formation, their tendency to sing, Other prominent birds are the birds of "Grovermes" (cranes) and the birds "Cocoliformis" (Cocos) and birds, "Columbiforms" (pigeons), and this is among the 20 other classification.

2. There are two main bird groups:
It is strange that the ionogathic, or "old jaw," includes birds that first developed during the Senozwic era, after the dinosaurs were extinct and most of them were found to be ostriches (ostriches) , Amus and Kiwi, and we also find the birds of the "new jaws", which trace their roots further to the Middle Ages, and include all other bird species, including the family of birds of Persirins.

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The Owl

3. Birds are only feral animals:
The main groups of animals can be distinguished in general through the skin covers. Animals have hair, fish have herds, arthropods have external structures, and birds have feathers. Do you imagine that the birds developed these feathers for flight? , Studies say first that dinosaurs are the ancestors of birds who developed the feathers for the first time, and second, that feathers seem to have evolved in the first place to be a means to maintain the body temperature.

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Bird pigeons

4. Birds evolved from dinosaurs:
As we have already said, the evidence now is that birds evolved from dinosaurs, but there are still many details about this unnamed study. For example, birds may have evolved two or three times independently, During the Mesozoic era, only one of these genealogies survived extinction 65 million years ago, and the ducks, pigeons, and penguins went on and we all know and love them. But the question remains why modern birds are not the size of dinosaurs. The answer to aviation mechanics is energy and the vicissitudes of evolution .

غذاء الطيور البحرية
Marine bird food

5. The closest living relatives of birds are crocodiles:
Birds of vertebrates are ultimately linked to all other vertebrate animals that live to this day or have ever lived on earth, and may be surprised to learn that the family of vertebrates that are associated with modern cetaceans, which evolved, such as dinosaurs , From a group of reptile reptiles during the late Triassic period, and all dinosaurs and reptiles were extinct, but the crocodiles managed somehow to survive, and whether or not there will be or will not eat crocodiles birds with happiness and leisure.

طيور البط

6. Birds communicate using sound and color:
One thing you might notice about birds is that it is fairly small. This means, among other things, that it needs a reliable way to locate each other during the mating season. For this reason, the birds evolved to start with a complex set of songs, Which can attract others of their kind into dense forests where they are invisible, and the bright colors of some birds also serve the function of signals, usually working to confirm the dominance of other males or to transmit sexual availability.

7. Most birds are monovalent:
The word "mono" carries different connotations in the animal kingdom than it does with humans. In the case of birds, it means that males and females of most couples prepare for one mating season. After intercourse and raising young children, they are free to find other partners for the next breeding season. Some birds remain single to husband or wife until the male or female dies. Some birds have an elegant trick that can be used in emergencies. They can store male sperm and use it to fertilize their eggs for up to three months.

الطيور صغيرة الحجم
Birds are small in size

8. Some birds are better fathers than others:
There are a wide range of behaviors in birds and the most important parenting behaviors throughout the kingdom are birds. In some species, both parents are incubating eggs, and sometimes only the parent is cared for alone and in other cases, there is no need for parental care at all, For example, in Australia birds place eggs in patches of vegetation, which provide a natural source of heat, and hatch eggs on their own, and there are birds with extreme values ​​such as cuckoo birds, which lay eggs in the nest of other birds and leave their incubation and nutrition to strangers completely.

9. Birds have a very high metabolism rate:
As a general rule, the smaller the animal, the higher the metabolic rate. One of the best indicators for the rate of metabolism is the heartbeat. You may think that the chicken sits only and does nothing but its heart is actually beating about 250 beats per minute. For comparison, A healthy home cat has a heart rate and is resting between 150 and 200 beats per minute, while the resting heart rate of an adult is about 100 beats per minute.

10. Birds helped to inspire the idea of ​​natural selection:
When Charles Darwin formulated his theory of natural selection in the early 19th century, he carried out extensive research on the Galapagos Islands. He found that the birds on these islands differed greatly in their sizes and shapes and that they were clearly adapted to their individual habitats, It was clear that it descended from a common ancestor that had landed in the Galapagos Mountains thousands of years ago.

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