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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the strangest birds in the world

We will talk about the strangest bird in the world, the birds of the most beautiful creatures created by the Creator Almighty, but some birds affect their environment in their form, birds are classified into several types, including birds that sing, birds flying high, beautiful birds and other species exciting, parrots In its exotic habitat, for example, it is considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world and also one of the brightest birds in the world. Birds generally have non-traditional beaks and tails, so we gathered today 10 of the strangest birds in the world.

1- One of the strangest birds in the world Birds of Paradise:
طيور الجنة من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
Birds of Paradise one of the strangest birds in the world

This bird is one of the strangest birds in the world because of its strange feathers and mating rituals. These birds are found only in the rainforests of New Guinea and live on mountain slopes at altitudes of 1600 to 2300 meters. This bird is born with black feathers on most of its body and blue color On the head and a bluish green shield in the chest that appears to shine, the male population in this species is very high compared to the number of females, so there is strong competition between males to get females, where males spread their wings and dance around the females to gain female admiration and sound Feather attracts the female to the male, to humiliation These birds are considered among the strangest birds in the world.

2 - one of the strangest birds in the world Paradise bird king of Saxony:
طائر الفردوس من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
Bird bird of the strangest birds in the world

Like the birds of Paradise, this bird is also a settler in New Guinea and lives on the mountain slopes. It has a very long feather and is about 50 cm long. The length of these feathers determines the health of the males and helps the females to choose the partner. This bird also has tufts of hair on its head. Aside from tail feathers, the males also make noisy sounds to compete with other males to get partners, which makes these birds one of the strangest birds in the world.

3 - one of the strangest birds in the world Asteroid Tailed Ribbon:
طائر أسترابيا من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
A bird is one of the strangest birds in the world

As his name implies, this bird has a long tail up to three times the size of its body, a bird with a striped tail endemic in Papua New Guinea and is like other birds in the list of the strangest birds in the world, but the males of this type of birds have strange features, Black and brown, while the male feathers of their body are green, the color bronze and black tail feathers have black heads and are used by males to attract females, so these birds are among the strangest birds in the world.

4 - one of the strangest birds in the world bird of the Andean Rock:
طائر ديك صخور الأنديز من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
The bird of the Andean Rock is one of the strangest birds in the world

This bird is considered one of the strangest birds in the world because of its unusual shape, shaped like a bright orange crescent with gray feathers and black feathers on the body, the female has a peak but is smaller than the top of males, this bird lives in the Andes in South America, For Peru, the nest of this bird is also very strange because it is concave and built with mud and pieces of leaves are interconnected by some of this bird made with his mouth and this made him one of the strangest birds in the world.

5 - one of the strangest birds in the world Frigate bird:
طائر فرقاطة من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
Frog is one of the strangest birds in the world

This coastal bird lives in Florida and California and has a distinctive bright red bag that exists only in males during the breeding season. The bag is swollen and used to make noisy sounds to attract females. Both male and female body feathers have black color and the beaks are gray but females have white breasts with no Having a bag, these birds are notorious for chasing other birds and taking their food, their diet mainly depends on small aquatic animals such as fish, squid and jellyfish, and is considered one of the strangest birds in the world because of the red bag.

6 - one of the strangest birds in the world Abu Merkoub bird (shoes of the White Nile):
طائر أبو مركوب من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
Abu Merkoub bird of the strangest birds in the world

This strange bird is found in African countries in Sudan and Zambia. These countries are at risk of losing about 8000 birds left in the wild. This bird has a large beak that looks like a shoe used to hunt prey and communicate with other birds. This makes it one of the strangest birds in the world. It weighs eight kilograms, rises to 5 feet, usually hunts small animals such as rodents and reptiles. He stands standing, waiting for prey to approach him and then landing on it using his large beak. This bird is considered one of the most exotic animals found only in Africa.

7 - one of the strangest birds in the world African bird:
طائر أبو سعن الأفريقي من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
African bird is one of the strangest birds in the world

The bird is sometimes called the world's ugliest bird because of its strange appearance, which is different from any other bird, on the head of feathers and hanging from under the beak of something resembling the bag brown color, feather wings black and white body and according to some view seems somewhat like a vampire, This bird is mainly in South Africa. It can weigh up to 9 kg. It can grow up to 60 inches. It also has one of the longest wings in the world, and for its strange appearance it is one of the strangest birds in the world.

8- One of the strangest birds in the world:
طائر المظلة من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
The canopy is one of the strangest birds in the world

This bird lives in the rainforests of Colombia and Ecuador, the male of the world's strangest bird. These birds have a crest on their heads that looks like a 35-centimeter umbrella hanging from their necks. These birds are black in color and swell during the mating season to attract partners, These birds are eaters of meat and eat nuts and fruits as well as small insects and reptiles, these exotic birds are only found in Colombia and Ecuador.

9 - one of the strangest birds in the world bird mouth frog Sri Lanka:
طائر فم الضفدع السريلانكي من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
The mouth of the frog of Sri Lanka is one of the strangest birds in the world

This bird has an open mouth, like a frog, which is useful for hunting. This bird is found in Sri Lanka and the southwestern coast of India. The males have gray colors while the females are reddish, laughing in a distinctive way to communicate with each other. Low, their diet consists mainly of insects, they are among the strangest birds in the world.

10 - One of the strangest birds in the world Bird Kendor California:
طائر كندور من اغرب الطيور فى العالم
Bird bird of the strangest birds in the world

These birds are the largest wild birds in North America and were extinct from the wild in 1987 due to overfishing and destruction of habitats, although they are called Kendor California, but are found in many areas of North America from Canada to Mexico, this bird has feathers on its head and has Black feathers around a neck, making it one of the strangest birds in the world. These birds are 3 meters long. They fly at 15,000 feet and can fly more than 150 kilometers a day in search of food. Their nests are usually found on rocky slopes and tall trees.

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