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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 things hurt the dogs inside the house

Dogs dogs have permanent talent and are falling into trouble, whether chewing shoes or chewing clean clothes, dogs always find a way to test the patience of their owner. They are strange animals and have a very strong sense of smell, inside the house should make your favorite dog away from some common things in order not to lead his life, there are many risks at home that can cause a disaster for your dog.
10 اشياء تضر بالكلاب داخل المنزل
Because of the curiosity of dogs and their tendency to explore the world using their mouths tampering with various household appliances that are potentially poisonous, always be prepared, it is possible to poison your animal despite its efforts to prevent it. We need to look at our homes through the eyes of the pets we own, exposure to toxins can be by inhalation, eating, licking or touching the skin through the foot.
The toxicity level of the toxins themselves varies greatly, as do the dog's reactions and the symptoms that appear on the dog. They can be mild, limited to nausea or irritation of the skin, and can be as strong as heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure and coma.
Watch out a lot Keeping your dog safe from themselves is part of your responsibility as you own this dog. Despite years of rigorous training, some dogs can take the substances that cause them damage and when this happens, go to your veterinarian immediately.
Will give you a good overview of what kinds of stuff you have and can be toxic to dogs:

1. Human food:
Most dogs are experts in planting their nose at the dinner table and begging to get your leftover food in fact from time to time will not harm your dog, but there are some foods that should never be given under any circumstances to a dog such as:
- Chocolate contains a chemical known as theobromine highly toxic to dogs, can not be divided or digested and can cause intestinal problems and convulsions to death and the toxic dose is calculated according to the weight of the dog.
- Grape and raisins can cause renal failure. Other dangerous foods are onions, avocados, tomatoes and raw eggs.
If your dog is eating these foods, please contact your veterinarian to find out what to do. If you have a family or friends coming to your home you should tell them not to feed your dog.

2. Cleaning products:
There are chemicals with a sweet smell like window cleaning materials, furniture paint, bathroom cleaner and certain types of chlorine found by the dog taste delicious and will devour any spilled chemicals or those that are sprayed on the surfaces at hand. Always remove any excess chemicals from your surfaces immediately and allow the wet area to dry before allowing the dog to return to the room again, as all chemicals must be stored out of reach of your dog in a high wardrobe eg. If the dog has swallowed it, contact the hospital or the veterinarian with the name of the product and the time of the dog to obtain proper veterinary care.

3. Home Plants:
Species of plants such as: daffodils and incense of Mary, Amaryllis, Yew and Chrysanthemum. It can be very toxic if the dog swallowed or chewed them can cause deadly poisoning in a short period of time. If this happens, we always seek medical help immediately if you think your dog has eaten any of these plants.

4_ Insects and rodents:
Rats, rats and cockroaches give them what they call bait or bait, and they have a kind of attractive food that has poison, but watch out because this trap is not only for the rodents but for your hungry dog. You have to put this trap in a place where the dog can not reach it.
These baits work to prevent vitamin K, which causes internal bleeding for anyone who swallows these baits whether rodents or dogs. The same mechanism applies to Monday. Because dogs are bigger than rodents, it takes longer to get them to bleed, usually within 3-5 days.
If you have a problem with rodents and feel that the only solution is to put the food, Virgie put it in a position where the dog can not reach it and once a day is enough to make sure that the taste is still there. If you feel that the taste has disappeared and that your dog is the one who has eaten, With your veterinarian to know what to do immediately.

5. Drugs:
Both human and animal medicines can be dangerous to your dog, some medications may have a sugar coating on the outside of them like pills making them look like desserts. You should always store pills and other medicines safely out of the reach of animals in general and beware when throwing drugs in the garbage if the dog has a habit of stealing food from there.

6- Fertilizers:
Fertilizers available in your home garden often contain insects and poisonous insecticides. These pesticides can cause skin irritation or damage to their eyes and sinuses. This is a reason why you should not let your dogs go out in the garden because the smell of pesticides attracts them.

7 - Coins:
If a dog has a habit of swallowing small things, heavy metals such as coins should never be left unattended. Because most coins are made of zinc and lead, which can destroy red blood cells and lead to anemia when swallowed, you may have to undergo a dog surgery to remove them.

8. Electrical cables:
You should buy a bar for all electrical cables so that your dog can live safely at home, or you can also buy a smelly tasting spray that will deter dogs from chewing the cables. You should take extra care when you go out and do not make your dog alone at home. Cause a fire or your dog.

9. Chemicals:
The chemicals that smell bad for you are like honey for dogs. They have a sweet taste for them but cause death within a short period of time. In a few days, kidney failure occurs. The toxic element, ethylene glycol, and many other chemicals pose risks such as paint, paint thinners and solvents. .

10. Rubbish:
Dogs can not tell the difference between fresh food and the trash can both are appetizing both. The dogs often misrepresent anything and this includes small pieces of broken glass, sharp bones and other objects that cause them to hurt.

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