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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Great information about the swan

The swan and its relatives are a group of birds that include blue-tailed feathers, brown swans, red-beaked tropical birds, cormorant birds, large frigates, swans, and her family with foot-like feet that have adapted well to fishing, the main source of food. Swim underwater to catch her prey, and we will learn about some wonderful information about the Swan.

1- The swan and its relatives belong to the rank of the swans:
 طائر البجعة وهو يطير
The swan flies over the surface of the water

Members of the rank of the swans include swans, snails, tropical birds, ejector, gazelles, and frigates, and there are about six families and about 65 species of these birds within the order of the swans.

2 - Swan of birds that have a belt between all four toes:
The order of the swans is a group of birds that can swim very well and have large feet, and the swan and its relatives have a membrane between their toes which enables them to push themselves efficiently through the water and control their direction.

3- Swan and different feeding behavior:
 طائر البجعة على سطح الماء
The swan on the surface of the water

The swan and its relatives in the family use a variety of different behaviors, which vary from species to species. Some species, such as the northern snail and tropical birds, dive into the water very quickly to hunt their prey. Other species, such as the swan, have a pod that can catch fish that swim on the surface, And the bird of the cormorant swimming under the water and chasing his prey.

4- The swan has special blades that absorb water and can dive efficiently:
Feathers on the surface of the body of the swan, the cormorant and the ejaculate easily absorb the water, making the birds less childish and thus more capable of diving and maneuvering underwater.

5 - The swan is often generated on remote islands or inaccessible slopes:
 مجموعات طيور البجع
Groups of swan birds swimming

The swan and most birds belonging to the order of the pelicans breed on distant islands and inaccessible cliffs, as these sites enable them to avoid predators and build their nests to be large colonies.

6 - The northern brush is more stirring than the swan in the way it feeds:
The northern sniper is more exciting than the swan, diving from high altitudes of up to 150 feet and up to 60 miles per hour to catch fish underwater. He can locate the prey from this altitude using sharp vision, then bend his wings to land quickly and kill his prey.

7. The two nostrils at the swan are narrow or almost closed incisions:
The two nostrils of the swan and its cousins ​​are almost narrow or closed. This adaptation prevents water from entering vigorously when diving into the water through the respiratory system. The swan and its relatives can breathe through the mouth.

8. The Swan and its relatives appeared at the end of the Cretaceous period:
The swan or the order of the swans appeared at the end of the Cretaceous period, and there is some controversy over whether or not there is a common lineage among the swans. Recent studies indicate that some of the common characteristics of the different sub-groups of the swans, including the swan and other birds, As a result of convergent development.

9 - Swan has a bag-like bag:
 كيف تأكل البجعة ؟
A swan and how to eat

Most pelagic birds, such as swans, can dive under water to catch prey. This bag or bag absorbs stones to enable birds to dive into the water more efficiently. As the body is fluid Narrow nose openings prevent water from entering during the dive process.

10 - The feet of the swan are more distinguished than all other birds:

تعامل طائر البجعة مع صغارها
The swan is treated with its young

The swan has more distinctive feet than all the other birds, where the tendons between the toes are used to show courting and courting the female, and keeping the eggs warm.

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