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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the wildest Amazon wild animals

Life is not confined to the earth. We are human beings only. There are millions of life forms on earth. We have a botanist. We also have an animal world that includes not only pets like cats and dogs but also those who are more ferocious than blacks and tigers. Forests, especially the Amazon forest, known for its deadly predators.
Learn more about these animals not only for children but for all ages to know more about these animals, because there are many categories of animals and even birds, reptiles and insects fall under a wide category of animals, you do not need to go to the zoo or buy Encyclopedia of knowledge of a certain animal.
The Amazon forests are one of the most wonderful places in the world. In their fertile leaves, they are like no other place on the earth. For centuries, they have stirred up many adventurous travelers. The Amazon forests are associated with tranquility. It is also one of the most beautiful places on earth. There are many deadly creatures in the Amazon forest and are considered refuge for these exotic creatures such as jaguars, poison frogs and other creatures.
Amazon forests are a vast ecosystem, one of the largest rainforests in the world. It occupies a common area between nine countries, including Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela and others. Amazon forests are one of the most spectacular natural reserves. They include unique plants and some 16,000 species of animals. Under Discovery.
This list is one of the 10 most deadly and amazing creatures found in the Amazon forests:

1- Mosquitoes:
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Mosquitoes are one of the most common blood-sucking insects. It is a species of insects with wings, where mosquitoes feed on human blood and also feed on the blood of animals and birds, and its breds are transmitted frequently, transmitting many diseases, including malaria. The blood is alone because it is necessary for her to mature eggs and her mouth is characterized by precise parts to help puncture the skin and absorb blood, while the mention of mosquitoes feed on the juice of plants and nectar of flowers.
There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes, mosquito bites cause inflammation in the skin especially in children, a red spot appears around the place of sting and the skin may swell as a result. The most common diseases transmitted by mosquitoes are malaria, elephant disease and yellow fever, On the other hand, mosquitoes have a positive effect on the ecosystem. Mosquito larvae are important food for fish and other predators. Large mosquitoes are also important food for birds, bats and other arthropods, including spiders.

2- Pirana fish:
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It is the predatory predatory fish that since its inception is small and still comes out of its eggs and comes armed and dangerous. It feeds initially on small crustaceans, fruits, seeds and aquatic plants. Once it reaches about 1.5 inches tall, it begins to feed on meat from other fish , They grow larger as they begin to come out in groups of about 20 fish where they have a variety of strategies to kill and eat their prey.
What makes the Perana fish really fierce is that they eat their prey while they are still alive and at times they may eat. They have unbelievably sharp teeth. One row in both the upper and lower jaws makes their teeth strong and tangled teeth, making them perfect for tearing apart bodies. Her prey, Perana, has inspired many Hollywood movies on a large scale.
It is not necessarily true that it feeds all the time on meat. Most piranha fish are made up of dead animals as well as insect and plant erosion. But if they are attacked by humans, they probably defend themselves and most attacks on humans are during their dry season where food is scarce.

3 - Anaconda Snake:
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Anaconda is the largest and heaviest snake known, and can be found in the tropical rainforests, lakes and marshes in South America, we find them always near the Amazon River and there are 4 types of Anaconda, and want Anaconda to live alone, water is the main escape method of this giant snake in the face of danger, instead From attacking anyone, she simply chooses to slide into the water unnoticed, but nevertheless people do not leave her and continue to chase her to use her precious leather in the fashion industry.
The good news for the Anaconda is that it is not toxic at all, but it has other means to kill its prey without a doubt, so be careful of the Anaconda if it is hungry. Its preferred method is to stifle its prey by pressing it so it can not breathe and then swallow it completely without even chewing it. The largest snake in the world, Faisal is 9 meters long and weighs about 227 kilograms. Because of its size, it is not good to move on the ground but is skilled in moving in water.

4- Black Caiman Crocodile:
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This watery fisherman has been impressed by the fact that he is the biggest crocodile in the world. He is one of the most feared predators in the Amazon Rainforest. He never hesitates to eat any other animal in the Amazon. His trip has reached 6 meters, The black crocodile is the American crocodile, either the shape of the crocodile, the black caiman, as its name implies, we find that its skin tends to dark color.
Caiman Black usually likes to chase at night because it is characterized by a keen sense of sight and hearing very sharp through which can determine the location of prey, either the prey includes fish in the first place and then come turtles and deer can sometimes also catch pets such as dogs and pigs with a jaw When the prey is too large, it waits until it rots a little and then tickles it into smaller pieces. The people did not even get rid of the black crocodile. He also recorded attacks against humans.
As for the females of the Black Caiman crocodile, they start to nest during the dry season when the water levels drop. Females use the plant material to build the nest. They build an area of ​​1.5 m wide and put about 65 eggs and keep them near the nest and wait for 42 to 90 days until the egg hatching phase begins. The mother intervenes to help hatching.

5. Jaguar Tiger:
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The Jaguar tiger is the largest cat in the Americas, has strong jaws and sharp teeth and usually kills its prey by crushing its skull. Its fur usually comes in yellow and can vary from reddish brown to black. The jaguar tiger is the first-class meat to eat. A variety of different animals eat deer, cows, crocodiles, monkeys, turtles, snakes and fish. In short, they eat anything that can be caught. The Jaguar tiger is often caught on the ground, but sometimes he climbs a tree to break its prey from above.
Unlike most large cats, the Jaguar tiger loves water. It often swims and swims and plays fish until it catches fish in streams and ponds. It is common knowledge that tigers are solitary animals and love to live and chase their prey alone, but they gather during the mating season. The year does not have a specific time and the gestation period is often 90 days and keeps young Jaguar Tigers with their mother from 1 to 5 years old.

6 - The poison frog:
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It is one of the most powerful Amazon forest species ever, although it is small in size, but it is deadly. It contains enough poison to kill 10 men. The goal behind its bright colors is actually a warning target, warning everyone who tries to approach it. In its very strong skin it can cause heart failure within minutes.
Poisonous frogs live in tropical forests in Central and South America and on a few Hawaiian islands. The poisonous frog often feeds on spiders and small insects such as ants and white ants, and can pick up prey from its sticky tongue.
The poisoned frogs begin their courtship rituals by issuing loud sounds to attract females. The poisoned frog then places its eggs in the middle of a gel to protect it from decay. Within two weeks, the males return periodically to check on them. Once the eggs hatch, To protect them from falling.

7. Brazilian mobile spider
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The Brazilian mobile spider is a very aggressive and aggressive spider. It is also called the armed spider. It is considered by some as the most dangerous spider in the world. It is named for the Brazilian because it was first discovered in Brazil, but it lives in other places, of course the southern and central Camaraca. He spends most of his day hiding under tree trunks or in cracks, and goes fishing at night so he is called the Brazilian mobile spider. The Brazilian spider eats both insects and other spiders and sometimes, amphibians Small reptiles and mice.
The Brazilian mobile spider comes in large bodies. It is about 5 centimeters in length and its leg extends to about 15 centimeters, but its color is different even though they are all involved in the brown hair and the black spot on their stomach. They are big spiders with eight eyes, Two of them are as large as these spiders move fast, their legs are strong and they have a distinctive red decomposition displayed when they are angry.
The Brazilian spider bites a fatal killer if not treated immediately, and generally suffers from the venom of this spider in a state of general pain throughout the body and increase blood pressure.

8 - the bell snake:
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They are also easily identified. Although there are 32 known species of other snakes living in North and South America, snakes are mainly associated with rocky areas. Arid and desert These rocks allow them to find different types of lizards, insects and rodents, and can also be found in forests, prairie and marshes, snake bells of carnivorous species and known to feed on small creatures.
The bellworm is about 10 to 20 years old and has a length of about 5 feet. It weighs about 2.3 kg. It is called a bell bell. This is because it is called the rattle at the end of its tails, which produces a loud sound to warn predators not to approach it.
The mating season occurs during spring, summer and autumn, depending on the species. The female viper produces between 8 and 10 small snake. Young snakes are equipped with concentrated poison and are more dangerous than adult snakes.
The bellworm is very toxic. It produces a very toxic toxicity that destroys blood cells and vessels. Vaginal snake bites are lethal to humans if they are not treated with antidote immediately.

9 - fish Arbeima:
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The Arbima fish lives in South America and is one of the largest river fish in the world. The Arbyma fish is more than two meters long and, in exceptional cases, reaches more than 2.5 meters and weighs up to 100 kg.
The Arbyma diet includes fish and crustaceans as well as small land animals that travel near the shore. Although the Arbima fish can remain under water for 10 to 20 minutes, they tend to stay near the water surface because they need to breathe surface air, taking oxygen through the nostrils, and although they rely mainly on fish as food, but it seizes the birds near the surface of the water at times.

10 - Eels Reed:
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The eels live in the shallow muddy areas of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers in South America, a tall, long fish that can produce a powerful electrical discharge through its body. There are about 500 species of fish capable of producing an electric discharge but the most famous and capable of producing a strong electric discharge is the thickness The eel is about 2.5 meters long and its color tends to be olive, and its long, pointed tail is four-fifths of an inch wide. For his total body we find the elk of roses two small fins behind the gills and a long fin on the lower part of his body, and eels Rada feeds on frogs and small fish, and in fact scientists do not know much about his reproductive habits.

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