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Monday, February 26, 2018

10 of the strangest birds in the world in terms of behavior

Many of us are familiar with many bird behaviors and lifestyles such as migration, food search and nesting strategies. However, some birds have more ambiguous life forms, and have evolved to become very strange, shocking and frightening behaviors and abilities. Even a person will be shocked or disturbed. As a result of these behaviors, in this subject we present ten facts about the behavior of birds, including:

1. Bats kill from bird:
The strangest bird
The birds of the smart birds, the birds that are smaller than the bird, and are characterized by joy, innocence, but you should review these small birds because it is not as we think, it was observed that the bird enters the hollow trees and hit the bat to death and then withdraw To eat, and this occurs specifically during the height of the winter when there is a lack of food, the birds enter the caves to the caves used by the bats during hibernation periods, and kill them by attacking their heads exposed, and this behavior shows that in difficult times, birds will do what has to They have to stay on Alive, and also this predatory behavior about this slave bird proves that many exotic secrets can be hidden behind an innocent appearance.

2. Seagulls hunt whale:
The strangest bird
Seagulls are known to be very adaptable birds and are also opportunistic birds that feed on large populations of prey. Many believed that seagulls are only coastal birds that eat fish, but sometimes they may be a minor nuisance, and bird watchers love to watch them because they They find great fun in sorting out the mysterious seagulls, and from Argentina, the seagull is the most frightening of anything as it targets prey far larger than the herring, it targets the giant whale, it crushes on the surface of the whales, and huge pieces of meat and fat on the The whale skin surface, like a scene from a movie This horrific behavior can not be explained. The seagulls attack during the whale-born season, especially when the mother whales reach the water off the coast of Argentina with their young ones, as the mother and young people lack the ability to remain submerged for long periods of time under Water, so they have to appear on the surface of the air often, making them the main targets of the gulls.

3. Stork and escape from home:
The strangest bird
In a study that carefully examined the behavior of birds, scientists in Spain discovered that about 40 percent of European white storks escape their nests, abandon their parents and immediately sneak into the nest of a nearby concern. The motive for this behavior is that storks are not entirely satisfied with their parents' efforts In hunting skills, so she runs away from home hoping to find a better meal with her peers.

4. Family confinement:
The strangest bird
The Indian giant is the evolutionary equivalent of the tukan in the ancient world. It resembles a mixture of woodpeckers and storks mentioned above. In fact, many of these birds, especially females, contribute greatly to nesting in giant forests. These birds receive little help from males , After determining the location of the cavity of a suitable nest, the male build a barrier of mud and bird droppings and sticks to put both females and young people can not get out of them only to get the frogs and mice and fruits raised by the male to them, and continue this strange prison until the end of custody period and the young are ready Air, Scientists believe that this nest and this behavior to provide protection against any predators, as it prevents the female from mating from any mention of another.

5. Cookato Parrot:
The strangest bird
The exotic Cuckoo parrot is a rainforest inhabitant and appears to all the world like the king of rock with raven feathers, and this giant parrot is not just a regular bird but it is the king of rock for birds. When a crocodile tries to get a mate, he does a lot of strange behaviors A large branch of a tree and smash a piece of it like a broom handle, then fly to a hollow tree tree, hold the piece of wood in his foot, and stick it like a rock star, which gives an impressive percussion performance, doing this to attract the attention of the female soon to hear this knock .

6. Suicide phenomenon of birds:8205_6_or_1465127670
The strangest bird
Gattenga is a small village located in the state of Assam, a state in northeastern India. This lush green village has many scenic landscapes and is surrounded by quiet mountains. Not all that is known about this area is known. It is a unique phenomenon that occurs in this village between September and November of each year. During these seasonal months and later, many migratory and local birds commit mass suicide. The village, after sunset, is between 7 am and 10 pm Hundreds of birds descend from the sky and die before they crash into buildings and trees. Even now, this phenomenon is unknown, and many villagers, visitors and scientists are also puzzled. For many years, local people believed that evil spirits living in the sky were responsible for dropping them Birds of this nature, but of course, this is not true, many scientific studies and experiments, summarized the issue that birds may be generally confused by the seasonal fog in this period so attracted by the lights of the village and fly towards it, sometimes reaching the walls and trees during descent , Some birds die, while others are seriously injured.

7 - Destruction of the birds of the nymphs of other nests:
The strangest bird
Nymphs are very common birds. These birds are brown-looking and are found in North America and feed mostly on insects. Nymphs are known to hunt constantly, defend their land, literally destroy the nests of other birds, In the nesting season, this period becomes hell for any bird in front of this strange bird, where it is not just a chase, but in fact it is the removal of nests of other birds as a whole, the birds of the nymphs infiltrate the nests of birds Other and Betlaa the nest in order to build their own new nest, although the size of this small bird, but he bitchy known to destroy the nests of birds other animal.

8. Hummingbird with high tilt:
The strangest bird
It is known that the mating of birds is determined by many factors such as egg laying, and most birds do this behavior either in the hollow tree, or on a branch, or in some cases, such as seagulls, they do publicly on the sand, and here we have birds buzzing known as Swifts is among the fastest The animals on the planet, with some of the fastest flying speeds make it faster than any other bird. In fact, the Suifets bird is a bird for high-altitude, so it can fly in the air so that it can fly across the continent in 3 days and can sleep on its wings and mating Also in the air, it is impressive that wings of the bird Hummingbirds have relatively large wing bones, making them able to change the shape and surface of their wings, controlling their efficiency and maneuverability at different speeds.

9. Sparrow Red Nose Breaker Chest:
The strangest bird
There are several unusual characteristics around the nest of this red-breasted bird. It usually tends to prepare a nest by digging it in a special way. Both male and female birds release sticky sticky material, making the whole thing sticky around the entrance hole of the nest several inches. This behavior is part of the bird's tools to defend itself, it does so apparently to reduce predators such as snakes, raccoons, squirrels, they do so to protect their young from any predatory animal that can approach them, or to avoid falling into traps, These exotic birds are to the northern forests of Canada and the Pacific Ocean forests , And these strange creatures have claws, bent and bent necks allow them to walk on their heads down a tree trunk.

10. Flying Venus Flying Flyer:
The strangest bird
Venus is the strange Australian bird that inhabits the eucalyptus forests where it has many abundant prey, which is actually like an owl. This bird does not chase its prey actively; it stands straight on any tree that looks exactly like an old branch. When a small bird, Or frog, or lizard or even a mouse, it expands its mouth and becomes open in a huge way, and within a fraction of a second, the prey inside this huge mouth after it closed and can hear the sound of prey 100 meters away, and swallow them whole, What this bird does is to remain invisible which makes it among the The terrible birds on earth.

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