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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the most famous cats in the world

No one can deny the beauty and abilities that may astound you coming from the big cats in the world, which unfortunately set them down as a result of their hunting for fur. This list is by no means the only 10 talking about the amazing big cats, but there are many kinds of cats The big ones are stunning, but ten of them were chosen on the basis of who has an innovative hunting method, or an amazing fur pattern, or is simply amazing, and the following are ten big cats:

10. Wild Cat:
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Big cats
It is also called red lynx. It is a member of the large cat family found in North America. It is a predator, inhabits wooded areas, desert edges, and swamp environments. The diet of the wild cat consists of rabbits, wild rabbits, deer, small rodents and even insects. Like many other big cats, a wild cat is a solitary hunter, and all wild cats use one style to celebrate their land. Although humans hunt him a lot for fishing or for his furry, he is not threatened, but in the near future Can be with This can be a very important skill for an animal because humans have a tendency to constantly invade their environment. My cat has gray-brown brown fur, ears that tend to lions , The face flavored is similar to many lynx species, is only twice the size of domesticated cats.

9. American animal origin:
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Big cats
It is also called the dwarf tiger, which is very similar to domestic cats. In terms of fur, it resembles a spotted leopard or jaguar, and is often hunted by American ornamentals, lizards, amphibians, deer, rodents and frogs, most of which are found in South America, , And is considered an animal origin of endangered animals during the 1980s, and enjoy the animal originals rest in dense leaves of trees, which is a very regional animals and sometimes fighting so that it can reach death for the land, and the animal origin is a night animal, and humiliation Because he has a better night vision than other big cats.

8. Lynx cat:
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Big cats
Also known as the ground hug and there is never a lynx of Persian or African lynx or lynx, and is closely linked to the African golden cat, is known to have extraordinary skills in climbing and jumping, and lynx is spread throughout Africa and West Asia and usually chasing alone At night, it is also known that it has an amazing ability to jump on birds from the sky, and its food is also composed of antelopes, deer, rodents, and ostriches. Sometimes, when the lynx catches its prey, it cuts the flesh from the skin so that it does not have to eat animal fur , And when the food is scarce, it is Eats bird feathers, and even he eats rotten meat, seeing a lynx cat may be extremely rare because he is very skilled in hiding from humans.

7. The Jaguar Cat:
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Big cats
The Ugandan cat has been found in Mexico, Central and South America, and is said to resemble the otter because a fur comes in one color (except for patches that it has at birth). In fact, this animal suffers because of its loss of livelihood. "Little Lion", unlike many large cats, haunts this cat during the day, usually eating rabbits, rabbits, birds and sometimes fruit, the Ugandan cat never lived most of his life in low places near running water.

6. Marble cat:
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Big cats
This cat is identical to the size of almost domesticated cats, and the marble cat is one of the smallest large cats, and the group of marble cats extends from parts of India to Southeast Asia, and their diet consists of squirrels, reptiles and birds. Unfortunately, these cats are rarely studied because they are difficult But scientists say their numbers are low because of shrinking forests, and scientists have also discovered that the marble cat is closely related to the golden Asian cat.

5. Tiger Jaguar:
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Big cats
The jaguar is the third largest cat species in the world, the national animal in Brazil, the tiger-like jaguar, but much larger, and it is one of the few large cats that is characterized by swimming, an individual predator, a strong jaguar tiger His skin penetrates like a hard reptile skin, but unfortunately, his numbers go down rapidly and he is almost threatened because he is often killed by humans, and features a short jaguar tiger whose limbs are short and plump, and he is skilled at climbing, crawling and swimming.

4. Snow tiger:
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Big cats
The ice leopard lives in mountain ranges in Central Asia, Afghanistan and many other parts of the world, usually between 15 and 18 years old. It is about the size of a normal tiger but has a long tail used to balance rough terrain. Caves in mountainous areas. It is estimated that there are about 5000 snow tigers, making them endangered species, and in some cases the ice leopard kills a prey that is three times its size, either its diet consists of horses, pigs and deer.

3. The Lion:
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Big cats
Usually inhabited by black savannah and grassland and sometimes can be found in forests, the group claims Black pride is composed of females, cubs, and a few black males, and black females are usually hunted in these groups, males rarely hunt prey, and It is known that the lion has become a species at risk with a decrease in its numbers of 30 to 50 percent, and lion is the second largest cat in the world as a whole, the color of the fur is usually light yellow, and breed the cubs with spots on her body but disappear when they reach, The diet of Lion is all wild animals , Antelope, zebra and buffalo.

2. The Cheetah:
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Big cats
Many people classify the leopard as the fastest wild animal in the world, with an enormous ability to reach speeds of up to 70 mph. The leopard is characterized by round spots that help it greatly camouflage when hunting. The leopard is small compared to other large cats, Mostly mammals including deer, mullet, and leopard, which are on the IUCN list, are said to have become around 12,400 Fahd in the wild there.

1. Tiger:
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Big cats
Tigers are usually found in South and East Asia, and like many large cats, they are regional and solitary animals, and reddish orange is one of the most noticeable characteristics that characterize the tiger. In fact, the tiger has been mentioned in many forms in ancient legends, Wild animals usually feed on animals such as buffaloes, pigs, deer, and sometimes tigers and snakes. In the wild, a tiger can jump up to 16 feet, always living near the water because he enjoys a lot of bathing.

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