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Monday, February 26, 2018

10 inventors were the victims of their inventions

History is full of brilliant minds, and many inventors are astounding and inventive inventions, they sought discovery and innovation, yet there are a rare handful of people who found themselves at the mercy of the thing they invented. Their ideas were counterproductive to their inventions. You have 10 inventors who were probably bad luck in their inventions including:

James Douglas:
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James Douglas lived from 1525 to 1581 and was one of the last rulers of Scotland during the reign of King James VI, and was one of the inventions that Scotland assisted with the execution machine similar to the most famous guillotine machine, called the virgin ballet (slaughter), where this machine Was the most humane way to be executed by cutting a person's head with a sword. In 1580, James Douglas was placed under the machine he made, accused of participating in the murder of Lord Darnley in 1567. After the investigation, Douglas was found guilty and executed for treason using a machine The eldest who invented it and had a popular idol At that time, he is on the list of inventors who have been sentenced to inventions.

2. Tomasandros:
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Thomas Andrews was one of the most famous inventors of the world. Thomas Andrews was born in 1873 and Thomas Andrews enjoyed sailing as a child. At the age of 16, he became a trainee in the Harland Wolf Shipyard, where he became an expert on how to design and build ships. Night at the Belfast College of Technology to become a ship designer, at the age of 28, headed the design department.

In 1908, Andrews worked on the designs of two ships, one of which was the Olympic ship, and the second was Titanic. The Titanic crossed the Atlantic for the first time in 1912. Andrews was aboard the giant ship as part of the team to observe any improvements needed on the ship , And during her first trip Andrews was the first to realize the extent of damage to the Titanic when it hit an iceberg and was doomed to drowning, and Thomas Andrews eventually perished aboard the ship he designed.

3 - Orell Flaikou:
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Oril Fleicko was a Romanian inventor who lived between 1882 and 1913, known as the Romanian pilot, and designed many of the vehicles in his life. The owner of the first project flapping wings but gave up because he thought the aircraft should be powered and believed It's the engine of the future.

In 1909, Orel and his brother set up a glider that could maintain a height of 10-15 meters (35-50 feet). In October 1909, the designs produced a model of impurities, using a motor consisting of twisted rubber cords to spin the fan. Aurel agreed to finance air adventures with new support. He was the first Romanian aircraft engineer to embark on a test flight on June 17, 1910. This led to more success and support, allowing him to produce the second Fleeco aircraft early in 1911, Romania to advertise the air force, and on September 13, 1913, Orel Flaikou took part in the Over the Carpathians, for unknown reasons, the plane crashed, killing Orill Flake, aged 31, and joined a list of inventors killed by their inventions.

4. Henrysolshnski:
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In 1971, Henry Smolensinky and his partner Hal Blake started a business in the automotive industry, invented the AVE Ezer and invented it by taking the wings from the Cessna and attaching them to a Ford Bento. They wanted to create a new concept for cars that could fly in any They wanted to lift the car in the air using their wings to drive on the road, but he wanted the wings to separate from the car when it started, but there was a problem with the idea of ​​separation of wings, decided to separation on its own, and in the middle of a routine trip, In a car crash Aircraft and they also killed months, the inventors of their inventions.

5 - Yirian Abakowski:
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The inventor of the train carriage with motorized aircraft engines, Yeryan Abakowski is also one of the inventors who have been the victim of their inventions. He had previously worked as a driver for the check. He thought it would be a great idea if he invented a high-speed helicopter powered car, Yelian Abakovsky joined the first flight with his close friend Stalin and four other people, Fyodor Sergeyev, and each went from Moscow to Tula without any obstacles. All six passengers were buried in J R Kremlin cemetery.

6. Maxfeller:
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Max Valer knew of an early missile world and knew Max Valer through his work between 1920 and 1930. At the time, the experimental missile technology was in its infancy, and Max Valer was fond of rocket engineering and wanted others to exchange his vision for the future, To get public support and government funding, Max Valer created small projects to convince people, for example, of rockets on skis and racing. Max's real vision of rockets was to take people to the stars and use one of his experiments: putting kerosene and water with liquid oxygen, Although it did not He took two safety precautions during the experiment but managed two tests without any obstacles. He was very excited to do the third and last test, but the test exploded violently, puncturing the pulmonary artery of Max with many shrapnel, killing him in minutes, and dying at the age of 35 Max Faler became the first man to die in rocket engineering and one of the most important inventors in the world.

7. Frederick Duisenberg:
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Frederick Duisenberg was born in 1876, Frederick Dusenberg was the inventor of the leading sports car in 1904 and was assisted by his brother. The duo received financial support from the supporters in 1906 and worked together in a race in the motor race. In 1932, while Frederick Dusenberg was driving one of his cars around the Pennsylvania mountains, Frederick went off the road and fell, died in hospital after complications and thus joined the list of inventors of the world who died because of their inventions.

8. LE C:
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Li Si was considered the inventor of the world, Li Si was born in 280 BC, Li Si was living during the Qin Dynasty, and after entering the state of Qin in 247 BC, he began to serve as the Minister of King Cheng, and some of his works included helping the emperor unite the weight of coins, Help to build the Great Wall and influence the unified writing system, but everything changed when Zhao Gao assumed the reins of the empire. During these turbulent times, Zhao Gao persuaded the new emperor to install his followers in official positions. His influence was enough, Lee was accused of betrayal, and did not question Emperor Chin-er Shi in the decision of Zhao Gao, because he regarded him as his teacher, and Zhao Gao tortured Li Si even admitted the crime. In the year 208 BC Zhao Gao executed on the Si Si death by cutting the waist.

9. Frances Edgar Stanley:
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Francis Edgar Stanley was born in 1849 and did not waste his time inventing things. The first career was a teacher's career, but he found himself paying attention to art and other painters. He began to draw inspiration from steam trains, Stanley's steamer, In 1897, Francis received many requests for his new car. On July 31, 1918, Francis was heading south in one of Stanley's ships when he encountered an obstacle on the way. He ran into a dodge, ran out of the way, turned over and died on the way to the hospital. They had their inventions destroyed.

Michael Dacker:

Michael Dacker tried to generalize the concept of a "flying taxi". In 2009, he tried to invent small aircraft that could take off and land on a small strip of land, let it move around cities and overcome traffic jams. The invention of the Jet was one of Michael Ducker's good inventions, According to eyewitnesses, Michael Ducker made a test flight in August 2009, the car was struggling to get out of the runway and become airborne, and when it finally managed to fly, it drifted out of control around 200 meters (650 feet) high, and returned to the ground with a hoe W, Dacre was killed in the accident at the age of 53 years, so it is one of the months they spent the inventors of their inventions.

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