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Monday, February 26, 2018

The most famous 10 birds do not fly

There are many birds flying around the world. There are birds that do not fly. Although they have wings like other birds but can not fly, wings are one of the characteristics of birds that distinguish them from other animals. But these wings are not used in birds in all birds, in fact there are about 40 species of birds that can not fly.
It is believed that these birds have lost their ability to fly through their development, where they reside in areas where there are no predatory animals and were able to survive The absence of predators or the absence of trees means that these birds do not need to fly and over time will They lose their ability to fly completely.
Some species of birds that do not fly are very heavy, and their wings are very small. Birds can not fly because of their environment too because flight requires a lot of energy, so if there is no need to fly, they will not.
 Most birds that do not fly in Australia and New Zealand have been found and some other birds have been found in parts of Africa and South America. There are about 40 species of birds that do not fly in the world, and are famous

1- Kiwi:
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Kiwi is a special national symbol of New Zealand. There are five species of kiwi, 3 of which are not immune and endangered and one is endangered by the introduction of predators into their own settlement. The kiwi was also exposed to forest erosion due to deforestation but with time the establishment of national parks and parks was started. The Kiwi is a bird with a powerful man who can fight any threat. Although Kiwi is the smallest of ostriches in size, it competes with ostrich eggs as it puts a very large egg for its size, kiwi egg Is relatively larger Among the birds in the world.

2. Cacabos:
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Cacabao is the only bird in New Zealand that can not fly in the world. It is called a parrot. It is one of the largest parrots in the world. New Zealand is very famous for the Cacabos, which we find in their folklore. Cacabao is a highly sensitive bird where it needs close observation. It needs certain food sources to reproduce properly.

3- Penguin King:
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Penguin is present in this list, not only because of its size, penguins swim in the ocean and migrate hundreds of miles on the ground throughout the year between the areas for nesting or searching for food. They are faithful birds that live with one husband every year. After laying eggs, the little mother gives his father to put him between his feet.
Penguins live in Antarctica. There are no trees there, there are no predatory animals, and instead penguins adapt to swimming in the seas where there is food. Then their wings became more like fins for swimming, and they became more obese to keep their body warm, which made them feel warm.

4- Ostrich bird:
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The ostrich is the only bird with two fingers on each foot. He feeds on plants and sometimes eats reptiles and insects to maintain his massive body. He also eats a lot of sand to help digest food.
The ostrich has been raised increasingly for commercial reasons. Of course, it benefits from feathers, meat, and skins like many other smaller birds. The ostrich has very strong legs. It is considered a huge weapon. It can kick any aggressor forward, whether it be a human or an animal. They consider ostriches a valuable resource and part of their traditions.
Ostriches become adapted to rapid running rather than flying. But there are also many flying birds that belong to a group known as ratites, which are found in southern Australia and New Guinea. The ostrich lives in grazing areas where there are few trees.

5 - bird of concern:
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There are about 20 species of trout that do not fly today, most of which evolved because of their habitat on islands that lack predators. The life of the bird is limited to one small island, the smallest bird that does not fly until today, Worry about a wide range of invertebrates including earthworms and a variety of insects as well as berries and seeds.

6. South Kasuri:
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It is also called the South Shubnam, there are 3 types of Kasuri bird, the South Kasuri is characterized by a long black-blue head and reddish head, the South Kasuri bird creature very timid and avoids direct contact with humans, but attacking anything that feels threatened, there are many reports of attacks done As a result of the insistence of humans to feed them. As for the food of the Kasuri bird, it feeds almost exclusively on the fruit.

7- Emo bird:
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It is the second largest bird of the African ostriches, the original home of Australia. Some of these birds are reared and this phenomenon has been very welcome and successful in Australia. Australia is considered the right home for the live of the EMU where there is a lot of land The rocks that this bird sees as an appropriate climate for him, when attacking an enemy of the E-IMO, defend himself by kicking him in the face or shredding him. Of course, the small amo bird is more vulnerable to attack than the red meat products. Munaf The meat is absolutely non-fat and rich in amiga and is competent in relieving joint pain and the many benefits found in this organism.

8 - American Ria Bird:
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The Great Ria is the largest bird on the American continent. Ria is derived from the Greek word "winged". You can see giant wings when they lift their wings. RIAs are found in South America, the forests of Argentina and Brazil, and the large Ria is larger than all the birds in South America and is associated with the ostrich species. This bird features strong legs to overcome trouble. Although their wings are large but useless to fly, they are used to balance and change direction only.
The great Rea loves polygamy, where males have many females. Females lay their eggs one day every day for a week or ten days in a nest of male design. Put eggs in this nest about 50 eggs or more. Then the father incubates eggs for 6 weeks to hatch, this serves as a guard for young people during this period.

9 - bird cork:
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Also known as the Galapagos, for settlement in the Galapagos Islands. You will find that the caterpillar that has the ability to fly its wings varies from one to another according to size. There are short wings and wings, but in any case they can not fly even if they try. , A crocodile with long necks and short legs, a cormorant feeding on an octopus, snakes and bottomfish, a cormorant is threatened by humans, predators and environmental disasters such as oil pollution.

10 - Plunger:
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The American diver differs from other aquatic birds such as ducks and swans. This bird is a real diver who uses his wings to push himself under the water to get a handle unlike other birds. He is able to swim in the water rather than walk on the ground. In North America, freshwater, lakes and swamps proliferate on all continents except Antarctica.

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