Today we will talk about the most dangerous birds in the world, most of us know the difference between the pigeon and the eagle, the first bird loves it all and the second makes us feel terrified and scared, so the bird world is very diverse, some birds bring peace and joy, others cause trouble and can kill you. One of the most dangerous birds in the world.
10 - of the most dangerous birds Falcon Red-tailed bumblebee:
The most dangerous birds
The red-tailed falcon is one of the world's most dangerous birds, a falcon found throughout North America, usually weighing between half a kilo gram, the falcon falcon wings, 38 to 43 inches long.
The wings of these birds are broad and their tail is short. The females of this species are larger than the males. They prefer to live in the open areas. The claws of these birds are very strong. They are the main weapon of this type of hawk. This is exactly what you should be afraid of. About their land.
These hawks, as we have mentioned from the most dangerous birds in the world and become more aggressive if you are thinking of crossing their borders and will attack you with their very strong claws, and can lead to serious injuries.
9 - the most dangerous birds Snow owl:

The most dangerous birds
The owl owes its origin to the North Pole, and the snow owl is one of the largest and most beautiful types of owls in the world. As the name suggests, it is mostly white with dark gray patches on its body. This large owl usually weighs between 1.5 to 3 kg and its wings up To 60 inches.
Without a doubt, humans are the main threat of icebergs, the list of predators of humans is very few, including Arctic foxes and wolves, but it is known that the snow owl protects its land strongly, it is one of the most dangerous birds in the world.
The snow owl can drive predators away, and if the person who threatens them is targeting his head and eyes, the owl's prey for the eyes can be very dangerous, so it is one of the most dangerous birds in the world.
8 - the most dangerous birds eagle Abu Dan:
The most dangerous birds
The eagle is one of the oldest eagles in the world. It is also called a bearded eagle. These huge species of eagles weigh about 7 kg and their wings are 2,3 to 2.8 meters long. They live in the high mountainous regions of southern Europe, southern Africa, This eagle is one of the most dangerous birds in the world.
The huge wings of this bird help him to slide over the high mountains. This type of bird depends on its food and carcasses. It eats the small bones first, so this eagle is one of the most dangerous birds in the world.
7 - the most dangerous birds Planned owl:
The most dangerous birds
Planned owl is a large owl whose head is round and spread in North America. They prefer to live in forests and wooded land. This owl has a length of 21 inches and a wingspan of between 41 and 43 inches.
Planned owl is considered one of the most dangerous birds and it is also a night bird, so it only haunts at night. The most interesting thing about the planned owl is its flight, and it can fly soundlessly in dense forests.
Therefore, this owl is considered one of the most dangerous birds in humans, because it becomes very aggressive in the case of threat, and also can not hear the sound of this owl is coming to attack, targeting this head owl when attacked with sharp claws, resulting in serious injuries, so it is considered the most dangerous the birds .
6 - from the most dangerous birds The Great Northern Diver:
The most dangerous birds
The Great Diver is also known as the common diver, 24 to 39 inches long and 60 inches in length. The most distinctive thing is the birdlike spear, which is considered one of the most dangerous birds in the world. These migratory birds spend summer in lakes and ponds in the north. The United States, Canada and Greenland, in the winter they migrate to the south, the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
This bird when attacked targets the head or neck, and attacks just like natural predators such as bald eagles, gulls, otters and valleys, their attack with their spear-like can cause serious problems, so it is considered one of the most dangerous birds in the world.
5- One of the most dangerous birds is mute (swans):
The most dangerous birds
The weight of pelicans or mummies is up to 28 lbs, one of the largest waterbirds originating in Europe, living in ponds, rivers, wetlands and inland lakes, wings of this large bird up to 2.4 meters long.
The attractive pelican shape may force you to approach it, but keep in mind that it is aggressive and dangerous to you. It is one of the most dangerous birds in the world. The attack from swans on humans occurs most often at the time of nesting in the spring season because they are at this time defending a place Nesting strongly, so swans are the most dangerous birds.
Therefore, it is better to stay away from the safe distance from these swans, especially the children should be kept away from them. The bumps can strike with their strong wings, and given the size and strength of their wings, their attack can lead to serious injuries, especially to the eyes.
4 - from the most dangerous birds Magpie Australia:
The most dangerous birds
The Australian Magpie is probably the second most dangerous bird in Australia after the South Pest. This medium-sized bird lives in pastures, fields and parks in most parts of Australia. In the spring of nesting, Australian magpie becomes very aggressive. They are among the most dangerous birds in the world and follow this behavior to protect their nest, If they feel threatened, they will attack you without fear.
This bird lives in residential areas (streets and parks). Try to take precautions if you are close to them. If this bird feels threatened, it will attack you, deform your skin and injure your eye, so it is one of the most dangerous birds in the world.
3 - of the most dangerous birds European gull:
The most dangerous birds
It is about 26 inches long. The European herring is a large gull that is found throughout Western Europe. These gulls are infamous because they steal food and attack humans. They are considered among the most dangerous birds in the world. Their wings are 61 inches long and 2.6 inches long. If this type of bird attacks you, it will cause severe injuries.
European herring birds also become more aggressive and attack during the nesting season, they must keep a safe distance from these birds because they attack in groups, and if alone they will summon large birds immediately for help, so it is one of the most dangerous birds in the world.
2 - the most dangerous birds ostriches:
The most dangerous birds
The ostriches are the largest living birds on the face of the earth, and live ostriches in Africa in the deserts and pastures located throughout the continent, ostriches weighing up to 150 kg and 6 feet tall, a top speed of 43 miles per hour, is also one of the fastest birds in the world, But the most important thing you should know about ostriches is that they are one of the most dangerous birds in the world and one kick can kill humans.
The Ostrich has two strong legs so it is dangerous in predators. If necessary, it also uses its powerful kickers to escape predators such as lion and leopard. A powerful kick of ostriches can kill a lion or a human being, so it is one of the most dangerous birds in the world.
1- One of the most dangerous birds in the South:
The most dangerous birds
As for the size, these birds are the second largest bird in the world, weighing between 75-80 kg and 5.1 inches in length, such as ostriches, ostriches, The legs are the strongest weapon of this bird.
The attack of this type of bird is rarely justified. They attack if they feel threatened. If this bird attacks you, the injuries can be very critical and may lead to death, so the southern bird is considered one of the most dangerous birds in the world.
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