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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the most beautiful birds in the world

Today, we will talk about the most beautiful birds, who do not want to wake up to the rhythms of a song sung by birds at dawn. Humans are inspired by the songs of beautiful birds. This is reflected in many literary and artistic works. However, not all birds are able to sing. To attract lovers during the breeding season, and here is a list of 10 of the most beautiful birds in the world.

1- One of the most beautiful birds of the Nightingale Bird:
طائر العندليب من اجمل الطيور المغردة
Nightingale is one of the most beautiful birds

And praises the writers of Nightingale birds as the best and most beautiful birds in many songs and literary stories, Taghrid Alandilib you can hear him at dawn and at night, is always raised this bird at home and is the best among all birds of the birds because of the whistles and tones used in his calls and can be more Of the two hundred different types of melodies, the Nightingale males sing to attract the female and you can hear the song from long distances.

2- One of the most beautiful birds of the Canary birds:
طيور الكناري من اجمل الطيور المغردة
Canaries are among the most beautiful birds

This bird is popular because of its songs and is kept in the house as a pet for the same reason, usually yellow with black and white markings on its wings, they can imitate the sounds they hear around them, so these birds are among the most beautiful birds in the world.

They are named after the place where they were discovered in the Canary Islands of Spain. The Canaries are better than the females they use to attract a colleague. Canaries fall through the summer and do not sing during the season.

3 - one of the most beautiful birds Coyl Asian bird:
طائر كويل الآسيوي من اجمل الطيور المغردة
The Asian bird is one of the most beautiful birds

This bird is found in many cities in India, and is also found in other countries in Asia and Australia in the semi-wooded areas, and is famous for their twitter during the breeding season, males and females have different goals, males sing to attract mates as well as to protect their land from other males and compete with other males from During tweets, females do not build nests in their own country but put eggs in other bird nests. The males are dark blue in black and female feathers are brown.

4 - one of the most beautiful birds of the bird Rose - Preastad Grosbek:
طائر روز- برياستد غروسبك من اجمل الطيور المغردة
Rose-Preasted Grosbeck is one of the most beautiful birds of the century

This bird is endemic in North America and has black and white feathers on its body. There is a bright red mark on the breast. Both male and female birds sing beautifully and use many different tones. During winter, these birds migrate south to Central and South America in search of food. Because food is rare in the north during the winter.

They migrate in large flocks and seek food together, but their numbers are declining because of deforestation and habitat destruction, and are also one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

5 - one of the most beautiful birds of North American obesity:
 السمنة الأمريكي الشمالي من اجمل الطيور المغردة
North American obesity is one of the most beautiful birds in the world

These birds are common in North America to some extent, and are known to inhabit gardens and forests near urban areas as well as forests, they have brown and gray feathers on their body and their heads are black and orange, the female does not have these bright colors, male voice of this type is more distinct than the female voice They have different sirens and tones. These birds usually live in pine forests, pine forests, shrubs and mountain areas, and are one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

6 - one of the most beautiful birds bird bird:
طائر الدج من اجمل الطيور المغردة
The bird is one of the most beautiful birds

The bird is also one of the most famous birds, and is famous for its sweet voice and unique modernity that can be used, and is located in many regions of the world where there are in Asia, Africa and Europe, usually singing this bird from the top trees and uses three to four types of tones, They are very small birds weighing only 100 grams and migrate long distances during different seasons.

7 - one of the most beautiful birds Cuckoo birds:
طيور الوقواق من اجمل الطيور المغردة
Cuckoo birds of the most beautiful birds

The cuckoo is a large parasite and has a wingspan of 1 meter. It is one of the largest birds of this species. It is found in Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. It migrates to eastern Australia during the breeding season. The cuckoo is one of the most beautiful birds. These birds use their calls mainly during the breeding season to identify and attract They can hear their twitter from more than 500 meters away. Each of these birds uses a slightly different tone to help them identify their friends. This makes it one of the most beautiful birds in the world. The females do not build nests but put their eggs in the nests of other birds.

8- One of the most beautiful birdbirds Bird League:
طائر الدوري من اجمل الطيور المغردة
Bird bird of the most beautiful birds

Common birds are known to all because they live near and in human dwellings. Male and female birds have slightly different sounds, and males usually use their voice to attract male colleagues and respond to male calls. These birds protect their nests and attack any predatory animals trying to get close to their nest. Small fruits, grains and insects, and this bird is also one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

9 - One of the most beautiful birds Magpie black magpies:
العقعق الأسود من اجمل الطيور المغردة
Black magpie is one of the most beautiful birds

These birds are present in most parts of the world and you are always very frequent. You can hear the sound of these birds in the areas covered by the trees. Their body is white in black, with blue green signs on the wings. They live in large herds and usually do a nest near the ground on trees. Black magpie is a unique bird because it can mimic the sounds of other birds, which makes them the most beautiful birds of prey. They avoid long distances and always look for food near their nests. They continue with the same partner throughout their lives.

10 - of the most beautiful birds Cuckoo Black yellow tail:
الكوكاتو الأسود أصفر الذيل من اجمل الطيور المغردة
Yellow cactus is the yellowest tail of the most beautiful birds

This bird is very distinctive and is found in Southeast Australia. It has black feathers on its body and yellow markings on its tail, so it is called yellow-yellow cactus. This bird is mostly found in the forest areas and is often found around human dwellings. In groups of four to five for nutrition and communicate with each other in Twitter.

Although their song is usually quiet, when they feel threatened or there is a predator, they alert other birds loudly, and they are one of the smartest birds in the world and they are among the most beautiful birds in the world.

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