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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 of the most important information about the owl

The owl of mysterious birds, there are more than 200 species of owl live on all continents except Antarctica, and the owl has senses to adjust its super movements and help it catch its prey all over the world, the owl object very attractive, we will mention here some mysterious information Erotic about the owl.

1 - Owl can damage her head but not completely:
There is a legend that the owl can damage its head 360 degrees, but the fact is that the owl can damage its neck about 135 degrees in both directions and this gives it 270 degrees of total movement, and the bone and blood vessels, and the supporting blood vessels help the owl to damage her head Without anemia on the brain.

2. Owl has tubular eyes piercing Consider:

Basic Information About Owl
The owl has tubular eyes instead of the spherical eyeball, which is connected at the back by the skull, which means that its eyes are fixed in place, so the owl destroys its head to see, the size of its eyes helps it to see in the dark, the eyes of the owl are insightful and you can see its prey from After, but close to she sees everything fuzzy, the owl relies on small feathers like hair on her beak and her feet to feel her food.

3. Owl has a strong hearing:
The owl is able to hear its prey from under the leaves, plants and snow, and there are some types of albums that have sets of ear at different heights of the head allowing it to locate the prey on the basis of sound waves, and there are other types of albums with flat faces with feathers which works on Concentrate the sound and turn the face into a large ear.

4 - Owl fly in silence:

Basic Information About Owl
Owl Unlike most birds where the owl flies almost without making noise or noise, the bubble has special blades that break the turbulence within the air currents which reduces the sound.

5 - Owl can swallow the whole prey:
The owl takes its prey first and then crushes it with its powerful claws. Depending on the size of the prey, the owl either swallows its entire prey or tears it, and the owl has a digestive system that engages some parts of the prey and the parts that are not digested such as fur and bone are compressed into balls and pronounced outside. later .

6 - owl can eat the other album:
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Basic Information About Owl
The owl can eat amazingly large prey such as the owl eagle can eat small deer, and as they eat other kinds of owls, the owl with large horns can attack the owl trees planned and prey, and the planned owl can also eat owl Western genius, Album of the other owl cause the decline of the owl Western genius.

7 - Owl feeds the strongest young first:
The owl always feeds a stronger little one before its siblings, meaning if the food is seldom the smaller the album starves, and after leaving the oldest small owl nest it often lives nearby in the same tree, and its parents still bring him food, if he can live To the first winter, he has a good chance of survival.

8 - Owl expert in the art of camouflage:
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Basic Information About Owl
Many albums sleep in broad daylight, but the colors and markings on the feathers can distinguish them from enemies such as the African owl, so the owl can merge with the surrounding environment to camouflage the enemies.

9 - the dwarf owl live in the cactus:
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Basic Information About Owl
The smaller owls are the dwarf owl, which lives in the southwest US and Mexico, and the dwarf owl will sometimes make its home in giant sagari cactus trees, nesting in holes made by other animals, and will also live in trees or on telephone poles.

10 - Owl struggling agricultural pests:
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Basic Information About Owl
Owls eat a lot of rodents, and there are owl family barns that can handle 3000 rodents in the cycle of breeding, which lasts four months, and one owl can take 50 pounds of snakes of the gopher in the year, and many farmers are putting boxes nesting the album hoping to clean Their land is from squirrels and field mice, and many albums die every year because of the rodents that have been poisoned.

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