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Friday, February 23, 2018

10 Information you do not know about giant pandas

Who among us should not giant giant panda ?! It is one of the funniest creatures on Earth and the giant pandas of interesting animals that we always want to know about many of the information, and here are 10 interesting information about the giant pandas.

1_ Giant pandas (often referred to as "panda bears") are white bears in black live in the wild, found in the thick bamboo forests, and in the highland mountains of central China.

2 - Panda bears These wonderful mammals are carnivores, but besides they sometimes eat small animals and fish, they also eat bamboo, which accounts for 99% of their diet.

3 - Giant pandas eat a lot of bamboo, every day fill her stomach for up to 12 hours, where you eat up to 12 kilograms of bamboo!

4. The scientific name of the giant panda is "Ailuropoda melanoleuca", which means "black and white cat".
5 - giant pandas grow to between 1.2 cm and 1.5 cm, and weigh between 75 kg and 135 kg, scientists are not sure the age of pandas living in the wild, but living in families live about 30 years.
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6. The baby is born with a panda about 15 cm long, almost the size of the pencil, and the bear is born blind and opens its eyes six or eight weeks after birth.

7. These wonderful mammals are thought to be solitary animals, living only briefly with males and females. However, recent research suggests that giant pandas sometimes meet with their colleagues outside the breeding season and communicate with one another through smells and calls.

8. The female pandas give birth to one or two panda every two years, the cubs keep with their mothers for 18 months before they leave on their own!
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9. Unlike most other bears, the panda bears do not settle in place, when winter approaches, it descends down to its mountain houses where the warmer temperatures.

10. Unfortunately, the giant pandas are threatened with extinction, and their numbers, which are still present in the wild, are estimated to be about 1000 bears, so every effort should be made to protect them from extinction.

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