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Friday, February 23, 2018

10 of the smartest animals in the world in the world

Humans are not the only intelligent beings on the planet, but there are also many intelligent animals. They have characteristics that distinguish them from other animals and therefore they are considered to be the smartest animals. In this article we will talk about 10 of the smartest animals in the world.

1- One of the smartest animals in the chimpanzee world:
الشامبنزى من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

Chimpanzees are considered to be among the most intelligent animals in the world, chimpanzees and humans are remarkably similar. They share about 99% of the DNA. Chimpanzees are the closest organisms to humans and are similar to humans in many traits. The chimpanzee lives in communities and can adapt to different environments, He also learns sign language, and chimpanzee uses tools, such as stones to open nuts, also uses tools for drinking water, and reaches adulthood at the same time as 13 people for females and 16 for males.

2 - one of the smartest animals in the world Dolphins:
الدلافين من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

Dolphins are considered one of the smartest animals in the world and are one of the few species in the animal kingdom that are able to use voice learning, as all dolphins create a unique whistle sound. These dolphins are able to call each other through the exchange of whistles, They can communicate with each other, and make dolphins some of them accompanying infected or sick individuals in the group, so as to help them to climb on the surface of the water so they can breathe if necessary.

Dolphins can also protect swimmers from sharks by swimming in circles around them. Dolphins also cooperate with humans in fishing. They drive fish to the shore. Fishermen wait for fishing nets. They point to fishermen by throwing nets to catch fish. More information about dolphins.

3 - one of the smartest animals in the world Elephants:
الفيلة من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

The brains of the elephants are larger than those of any other animal. They are considered to be among the smartest animals in the world. The elephants' brain contains many nerve cells such as the human brain. The ability of elephants to learn is impressive. They also recognize themselves. They can recognize themselves in mirrors. They can provide help, compassion and empathy, and their stems and feet generate the seismic activity that allows them to communicate with each other. Elephants are likely to be the only large mammals that live on Earth and communicate with seismic signals. Hand information about the elephant.

4 - one of the smartest animals in the world African Gray Parrot:
الببغاء الرمادى الأفريقى من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

The gray parrot is known as Instans in the parrot world, and the African gray parrot is very intelligent, sensitive and very charming. Studies have shown that it has a remarkable ability to mimic sounds. The African gray parrot also shows its intelligence by its ability to count and count. African gray.

5- One of the smartest animals in the world Mice:
الفئران من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

A few years ago, scientists discovered that mice, like humans, can make decisions based on what they do. Studies also show that they dream as well as we do. The mice are very social animals, have strong ties with their owners, learn their names, play and interact With their owners.

6 - one of the smartest animals in the world Cows:
الابقار من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

Cows are of the quietest animals and are considered to be the smartest animals. Scientists have found cows have friends and enemies. Moreover, cows are also able to feel strong emotions such as pain, fear and even anxiety that they worry about the future.

7- One of the smartest animals in the world Ants:
النمل من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

Although ants are very small, but have the ability to tolerate and solve problems. Ants are often found in huge nest-building and food-hunting groups, and adapt to their environment very well. They are considered among the smartest animals in the world.

8- One of the smartest animals in the world Bath:
الحمام من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

The bathroom is considered to be one of the smartest animals. Studies show that the bathroom is capable of learning mathematical rules, has the ability to make very smart choices, the bathroom learns problem solving skills, and the bathroom is also able to recognize individuals through the characteristics of the face. The bathroom .

9 - one of the smartest animals in the world Cats:
القطط من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

Those who breed cats and pets know that cats are the smartest of animals. They have a special skill in hunting. They are graceful and have a super sensory ability and are very adept at learning new skills.

10-of the smartest animals in the world Octopus:
الأخطبوط من أذكى الحيوانات فى العالم

Octopus is considered one of the smartest animals in the world, as its mind is one of the greatest brains of invertebrates. The octopus possesses about 130 million neurons in the brain. Three-fifths of the octopus's neurons are not in the brain, but in the arm. Each arm has a mind. The octopus is cut into pieces. Each piece can grow into a full octopus. The octopus is known for its intelligence. They are highly skilled fishermen. They use sophisticated strategies when they find food. Like most other animals on this list, octopus has shown the ability to solve some very complex problems.

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