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Friday, February 23, 2018

10 new animals newly discovered in pictures Part 2

The world is full of infinite species of new animals that have not been discovered yet, and every year there are hundreds or even thousands of new animals newly discovered with many variations in their external and internal features. Changes in new animals and plants have been observed due to weather changes to survive, The New International Animal Discovery Institute at the University of Arizona has published a list of important and new findings that have been discovered in recent years. We have compiled 10 new animals recently discovered in this article.

1 - spider fur hat from new animals newly discovered:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا عنكبوت قبعة الفرز

The spider's hat is also called the Harry Potter spider, a newly discovered animal species, called the spider-like spider with the sorting hat in Harry Potter books. The spider was discovered in Karnataka, India, Wide and ends with a curved curve of camouflage as dry leaves, the spider body covered with small white hair and shiny yellow hair.

2 - mouse thin roots of new animals newly discovered:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا فأر الجذور

A root rat is a new species of wild rodents or newly discovered animals in Indonesia in mountainous regions. The thin-beaked rat weighs about 40 grams, and the root mouse is unlike any other rodent species ever discovered by scientists. Be a new breed of rodent, and this is the fourth mouse discovered in the last few years.

3- The earth-based helix of the newly discovered new animals:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا الحلزون الارضي ذو القبة

The snail has a new dome of newly discovered animals, discovered in a cave in Croatia, and the ground snail with the dome is a blind object, and the snail has a transparent shell divided into five or six helical parts giving the snail a ghostlike appearance. The snail lives in total darkness. At 3000 feet below the surface of the Lokina Gama Trogama caves, according to scientists, the dome-mounted helix is ​​slower than most other snails. It crawls only a few centimeters a week and it is believed that the Hitchik snail or the snail snail on cave animals is moving long distances.

4. Spotted polka fish from newly discovered animals:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا سمك البولكا المرقط

Freshwater fish, a newly discovered fish, was discovered in 2016 in the center and north of Rio Tocantins, Brazil. It is also called the Stingray River, and black or dark brown polka with many small yellow spots On the dorsal disc, the fish is fairly large in size and has earned the title of freshwater king of the Brazilian river, and can weigh up to 44 pounds and can not be found anywhere else on Earth.

5 - Flat pink worms of new animals newly discovered:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا الديدان الوردية المسطحة

The flat pink worms of newly discovered new animals, which are marine organisms found in the eastern Pacific, have quasi-odd worms with fried antipasti, flat pink worms like unguarded jellyfish, and have a spring body, representing a group of primitive worms, The worms tend to be pink or purple, and feed on mollusks.

6- Mother of forty-four new animals newly discovered:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا ام اربعة واربعين

Scolopendra Cataracta OM Forty-four newly discovered new animals are a terrible nightmare, and recent species have been discovered in Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, called Cataracta, which means the Latin waterfall, and the forty-four mother has the ability to dive into the water the same way you do in the ground making it The first of its kind, the forty-four-inch mother can reach a length of about 8 inches, and has 20 pairs of long legs.

7 - Yolofovilum Kirki of new animals newly discovered:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا يولوفوفيلوم كيركي

The newly discovered newly discovered animals were discovered when scientists were searching for the tarantula and snakes in Borneo and Malaysia, making them unique in that the females appear pink and make them prominent. The male pima is green, however, both males Females have distinct veins that make them look exactly like leaves.

8 - Olingwito animal of new animals newly discovered:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا حيوان أولينغويتو

Olingwito is discovered in 2014, so it is a newly discovered new animal, the Olinguito animal also known as the cat bear, a mammal of the raccoon family, the Olingoito animal is like a domestic cat and doll bear, Olinguito has large eyes and thick fur, The youngest member of the Raccoon family, can weigh up to 2 pounds (900 grams), has a tail length of 13-17 inches, and the animal lives in the high forests of Colombia and Ecuador.

9 - Dragon ants of new animals newly discovered:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا النمل التنين

Ants Dragon is a new species of ants, a newly discovered new animal discovered in Papua New Guinea, ants dragon is one of the unique ants, which has a cover spines along the back and shoulders, which protects them from predators, scientists have been able to recognize On dragon ants using three-dimensional imaging technique, researchers believe that there is an unusual array of muscles under the spinal cover to help ants lift their spinal cap above their oversized head that is already packed with muscles to help them lift heavy and large objects.

10 - Tobini worm of new animals newly discovered:
من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا دودة توبيني

The Tobini worm is a new type of worm, one of the new newly discovered animals, which has been discovered in a cave near the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, USA, and this worm has 414 legs, no eyes, and has 200 gland Toxicity, the Tubini worm can continue to add parts of the body throughout its life, and the worm has openings located on all sectors of the body consisting of 100 strip to secrete a chemical in order to defend itself against any danger.

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