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Thursday, February 22, 2018

10 new animals newly discovered images Part I

The world is full of infinite species of new animals that have not yet been discovered, and every year there are hundreds or even thousands of new animals newly discovered with many differences in their external and internal features. The modifications in new animals and plants have been observed due to weather changes to survive, The New International Animal Discovery Institute at the University of Arizona has published a list of important and new findings that have been discovered in recent years. We have compiled 10 new animals recently discovered in this article.

1_Pinocchio Frog of newly discovered new animals:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا ضفدع بينوكيو

Pinocchio frog of newly discovered animals, this frog has a nose just like Pinocchio's nose, and the Pinocchio frog has been discovered in a remote mountain (in the lost world). This Pinocchio frog is one of a variety of species found in the "Lost World" The Pinocchio Frog has a bump on the nose that goes outward when the shakes and high activity, which returns to normal when frogs get calm.

2 - purple octopus of new animals newly discovered:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا الاخطبوط الارجواني

The original home of the Purple Octopus is the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, which was discovered during a trip off the Canadian coast. Eleven species of new animals were found at sea. The flight team includes a group of Canadian and Spanish scientists who used a remote A trip to the depths of up to 3000 meters, and this trip took about 20 days, and discovered on this trip 11 species of new animals, including the purple octopus.

3. Vantoni's chromosomes of newly discovered new animals:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا كرومودوريس فنتوني

 A new species discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, a type of snail without an external shell, was first discovered in 2009 by a fisherman donated to the St. Petersburg Wildlife Research Institute and verified at the time Later by the Polytechnic University of California, this type of snail has outer gills, bright colors on the skin.

4 - Leech King of new animals newly discovered:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا علقة الملك

Terranopdela Rex or Leopold King of New Animals Recently discovered, the king's leech was discovered in the mucosa of a small girl's nose in Peru, and this breed has new specifications that differ from other insects of the same category, and the king has a single jaw armed with large teeth up To 2 inches in length, and the physical character of this relationship is similar to the Rex dinosaur, which uses teeth to spread mammalian organs such as the eye, rectum and urethra.

5 - cockroach hopping of new animals newly discovered:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا الصرصور القافز

If you are afraid of cockroaches once you think about them, what will happen when passing near a cockroach having the ability to jump on you? It is already found and has been found cockroach hopping in the South African natural silpharmen reserve. This unique breed of cockroaches has long legs and jumps, their jumping ability resembles locusts that can jump away, and another type of known cockroaches that can jump are the ancestors of the Jurassic era Which is extinct now. The cataclysmic clutches belong to the Plataday family of cockroaches, and the hippopotamus has a fully modified body with long jump legs, semi-circular eyes, and sensor horns that are installed in different ways to gain stability during the jump.

6. Abu Dhabi Decker Walter of newly discovered new animals:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا ظبي ديكر والتر

Dick Walter is one of the most recently discovered new species of antelope. This very small new breed is about 4-6 kg in size. Walter was named the antelope by name of Dr. Walter Verheyen who discovered it. And West Africa where they are hunted for meat.

7 - Night Rassabi Night Claws of newly discovered new animals:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا صرصار الليل راسبي

There are new species of animals discovered, namely the night vision of Rasabi, which has strange behavior, and the cockroaches are known for their destructive behavior towards plants. However, the new features of the cockroaches are completely counterproductive. They are not only plant friendly but also act as plant pollinators. The species vaccinates the rare orchid flower in the Mascarin archipelago, in the Indian Ocean.

8- The Golden Beast Orchid of newly discovered new animals:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا سحلية الوحش الذهبية

 The spotted golden monster lizard is one of the most recently discovered animals in the Philippines. This breed of lizards is similar to that of an adult, and the spotted golden beast is preferred to live in the north of the Sierra Madre and the Luzon, and the length of the lizards is about 6.6 feet Two meters long, with an average weight of 10 kg, the lizard has bright colors with lines of golden dots, has a bluish black body with pale green dots, and tail contains parts of black and green alternately.

9 - Darwin's spider of new animals newly discovered:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا عنكبوت داروين

The Darwin spider is one of the most recently discovered new animals. The Darwin spider has the ability to spawn the world's largest spider web, which can be as long as 82 feet or 25 meters long. Darwin's spider belongs to the island of Madagascar where the powerful network stretches to form a bridge over rivers, , The Darwin spider web is twice as strong as the other spider silk, and ten times stronger than the Kevlar fiber.

10- The newly discovered new bat fish:
 من الحيوانات الجديدة المكتشفة حديثا سمكة الخفاش

Bats are new animals that were discovered before the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the fish has a flattened shape just like a pie, with thorns on the fins and bulging big eyes. This fish is intriguing because scientists live in their original area, Has become affected by the Gulf oil spill in 2010, raising questions about the continuity of survival, and it is also interesting that the bat goes on thick fins.

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