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Friday, February 23, 2018

10 of the most dangerous animals in the world

Nature has given us many beautiful gifts. There are many creatures that God has given to this life beyond its beauty, but these beautiful creatures can be among the most dangerous animals in the world, which can be classified as the most poisonous animals on land and in the sea. Here we list 10 of the most dangerous animals in the world.

10 - fish swollen from the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم السمكة المنتفخة

The Blowfish belongs to a family of snakes, a fish that looks nice but ranks tenth in the list of the most dangerous animals because it is a poisonous fish. There are many different types of fish such as balloon fish, porcupine, bluefish, spherical fish, It has four large teeth that can crush the outer structure of crustaceans and mollusks.

9 - The poisonous arrow frog is one of the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم ضفدع السهم السام

Frog poison arrow also known Baldvda blue poison, one of the most dangerous animals on the face of the earth, and the frog poison seems absolutely fantastic with sharp beautiful body stripes, but of the most dangerous toxic animals in the world, and the frog poison arrow belongs to Dandrobatiday family original home in Central and South America, and there Many different species of blue poison frog but of course toxicity levels vary, and most of these beautiful dangerous creatures are in fact threatened with extinction, and there are about 175 different species of them.

8 - Brazilian spider mobile of the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم العنكبوت البرازيلي الجوال

The Brazilian mobile spider belongs to the Katindae family. The black widow spider was thought to be one of the most poisonous and dangerous spiders, but this belief is wrong. The Brazilian spider is usually known as the armed spider or the banana spider, which is one of the most dangerous animals in the world. On this dangerous spider in South and Central America, and appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2010 as one of the most dangerous toxic spiders.

7 - Rocky fish of the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم السمكة الصخرية

The poisonous rockfish belong to the Sinansidae family, a species of fish armed with a very dangerous name for humans, the venom can be fatal, and the rockfish is one of the most dangerous animals in the world, and as it is the most sesame fish found in water worldwide, its habitat The original coastal areas of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

6 - Scorpio Stalker Deadliest of the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم العقرب ستوكر

The deadly Scorpio Stalker is also called the scorpion stalker of death, also called the Yellow Scorpion of Palestine, or the Scorpion of the Palestinian Desert, also called the Scorpio Tail-Tailed Plane, and this species has many names, the deadly Scorpio Stalker belongs to the Boothdai family, one of the most dangerous animals on Earth , Is one of the most toxic and lethal animals in the world.

5 - brown eastern snake of the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم الثعبان الشرقي البني

The brown serpent, or the death snake of the most dangerous animal in the world, was thought to be one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. It is a cobra, but it is also a false belief that the brown serpent is one of the most venomous snakes on the planet. Also with the common brown snake, when we discuss more venomous snakes it ranks second, and the brown-brown snake is native to Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

4 - octopus blue ring of the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم الاخطبوط ذو الحلقات الزرقاء

Blue octopus is characterized by the presence of beautiful blue rings on his body, and this octopus belongs to the family of Aktobodia, and can be found in the tidal ponds and coral reefs in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean from Japan to Australia, the blue ring octopus is one of the most toxic aquatic creatures In the world, also one of the most dangerous animals on earth, the octopus is small in size but very harmful to humans especially when trying to communicate with it. When stirred very quickly, the brown spots on his body become darker and usually hunted and fed on lobster and shrimps.

3 - the conical marble snail of the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم الحلزون الرخامي المخروطي

The cone is the third most dangerous animal in the world, and the snail belongs to the Coniday family. It usually feeds on other cone snails and marine mollusks. All cone snails are actually poisonous but the conical maroon snails overcame them. You should avoid sting.

2 - Tybian internal snake of the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم ثعبان التايبان الداخلي

The internal Taiban snake occupies the first rank among the most poisonous snakes in the world. It is also considered one of the most dangerous animals on earth. It belongs to the Ibidai family. It is also called the serpent with the small serpent or the fierce serpent. The home of the internal Typian snake is Australia. It is a shy and very cautious snakes that run away and describe a vicious serpent describing venom and not snake behavior, but you must finally know that its bite is very deadly.

1 - jellyfish Fund of the most dangerous animals in the world:
من اخطر الحيوانات في العالم قنديل البحر الصندوقي

The jellyfish is one of the most beautiful aquatic creatures we know, but it is also one of the most poisonous creatures on earth. It is one of the most dangerous animals in the world. The jellyfish is very painful and the poison can lead to killing, which is very attractive creatures, but please do not approach it. .

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