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Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 Information about the elephant you did not know before

Elephants are a large part of the popular culture and they appear in all the media. Many people who live outside the natural environment of elephants are ignorant of many interesting facts about them, and this list gives an overview of ten exciting facts about elephants.

10. Elephant types:
10 معلومات عن الفيلة لم تكن تعرفها من قبل

In English when we say elephants we actually refer to several different types of elephants, until 2010 there are only two types of elephants scientifically recognized. However, genetic tests have revealed that there are at least 3 types of elephants:
1 - Asian elephant Alpha Maximus: It is the smallest types of elephants and has ears and small teeth and has two protrusions prominent on the forehead and head is moderate or upright than all African elephants and upper lip of the Asian elephant is not thick and has a finger-like lip at the end of Khartoum
2 - African elephant Bush Luxodonta Also called Phil Savannah: his teeth beautifully curved and ear bigger than the Asian elephant
3 - African forest elephant Lxodonta Slicos: The ear of forest elephants is the other largest elephant of Asia, but distinguished from the African elephant bush is round shape and have less hair, and have large tails in the size is relatively straight, and have two fingers like the finger at the end of Khartoum
* Most elephants are more active during dawn and evening, and all kinds of elephants are at risk.


9. Reproduction:
The female elephant is fertilized in a few days each year. During this time, the male attempts to wander to the female by means of some gestures or gestures, touching the hose. If the female accepts the male elephant, she responds with some similar signs and within 20 minutes or so Will be mated, and when carrying female elephant lasts for 22 months, the longest gestation period of any wild animal.
Some elephants act to speed up the birth by treating themselves with some special plants, four-elephants unlike humans, so the pelvis with elephants is larger and wider than humans and the mortality and birth complications of elephants are lower than humans.
The small elephants at birth can not see, as it sucks its hose to rest like a small human who sucks a thumb. Small elephants have the instinct to stay where they learn from their mothers or gain experience from the rest of the herd, and the mother chooses many elephants to take care of the small while dealing with large quantities of sufficient food to produce milk for the baby.


8. Social life:
Female elephants live in a flock of about 10 individuals led by the most experienced female, while males live naturally and move from herd to herd, and females in each herd help others find food and take care of the young.
Elephants can not lie down to sleep because of the straight legs that give them a good pillar, and the elephants communicate within the herd or with the other herds several kilometers away by low sounds or footprints.
Elephants within the herd may be cooperative. The herd of elephants is the most cohesive of any other animal. The female leaves the herd only if she dies or is caught by humans. The male leaves the herd at the age of 12 and lives in the herd until she has matured and then lives alone.

10 معلومات عن الفيلة لم تكن تعرفها من قبل

7. Death:
The elephant lives from 60 to 80 years, and is the only animal like humans known to have a ritual at death. If the elephant becomes diseased, the herd members come and bring him food and water and support him until he recovers.
If the elephant dies the rest of the herd will try to revive him by providing food and water for a period of time, and when ascertaining his death, the herd becomes very calm evidence of grief.
Often the herd places the elephant's body in a hole and then covers the hole with soil and tree branches. The herd remains next to the elephant's grave several days later, and if there is an elephant that has a close relationship with the deceased elephant, it will cause him depression.

10 معلومات عن الفيلة لم تكن تعرفها من قبل

6 - extinct elephants:
The ranking of the elephants is now only three members and they were supposed to be more than forty members. Most of these elephants have thrived at the end of the Ice Age 12500 years ago.
These creatures were similar in size to the modern Asian elephant, and there were some small dwarf elephants, giant dinutier elephants, which were about 4.5 meters long and weighed about 14 tons.
The largest African elephant bush was about 4 meters tall and weighs 12 tons. There was another type of elephants called mammoths, whose numbers were reduced by the heat of the climate. They were eventually hunted and extinct in Europe, Asia and the Americas 12,000 years ago. Some are isolated from humans and continued as early as 4,000 years ago.

5-Elephant Jumbo:
There are many famous elephants in the world, but the most famous is the largest elephants in size and was called the elephant Jumbo and so far the huge objects called jumbo.
The elephant Jumbo was an African bush elephant born in 1861 and was taken to a French zoo as an infant and later moved to the British zoo. The children were allowed to ride on their backs and were greatly admired.
He was eventually sold and exported to the United States. His popularity reached about 100,000 children and they wrote to the Queen asking her to keep the Jumbo elephant.
Elephant Jumbo achieved full fame in the United States until he died at the age of 24 when he was hit by a train that was walking at full speed and did not recover the elephant Jumbo and died after the elephant was about 4 meters when he died.

4-teeth and canines:
Human beings are born without teeth and grow a set of white teeth and eventually lose these teeth and grow instead of the permanent teeth of adults, as well as elephant Elephant is born without teeth and grows the Lebanese canines and replace them with permanent teeth.
Asian elephant elephants are smaller, canine elephants are used in digging and lifting heavy objects, and are sometimes used as part of a marriage ritual. Although elephant hunting is illegal, many fishermen hunt elephants for their ivory cane.
Elephants sleep almost two to three hours each day because they need to spend most of the day eating food to support their huge body. Elephants eat about 150 kilograms of herbs a day.
Because of their herbal system the elephant teeth may be rapidly eroded, and elephants contain (6-7) groups of teeth other than humans that contain only two groups. Elephants that live alone usually die of starvation, while herd elephants help some to get food.

3. Khartoum:
The elephant's nose is a specialized nose that is similar to the echoptus sensors in terms of its ingenuity, and Khartoum gives them a high degree of manipulation of objects. Elephants are skilled at using tools.
Elephants are taught drawing through their skilled hoses and producing some wonderful works of art. Elephants can open simple closed locks and some skilled elephants can open more complex locks, which is impossible for other animals because they lack skill and intelligence.
Elephants in the zoo work together in synergy and cooperation. Some elephants remain watching the closed locks until they have the opportunity to open them, or an elephant claims to be infected as a distraction while the other elephant smuggles the rest of the elephants.

Each foot of the elephant contains five fingers, but not each fingernail. This is an easy way to distinguish African elephants by counting fingernails.
Both African Forest Elephant and Asian Elephant The front foot contains 5 fingernails and 4 fingernails on the hind foot, while the front African bush elephant has four fingernails, sometimes five fingernails, and the back foot contains three fingernails.
X-ray detection on the foot of the elephant shows that the foot bones are based on the tip of the toe, and their feet are flat because of a large cushion of cartilage located under each heel that works to absorb the shocks and help them walk quietly.
The elephant legs are straight and support the weight of the elephant so that the elephant can sleep standing, and elephants spend most of their lives walking huge distances, so their feet adapt to fit such a life.

1. Intelligence:
The elephant's brain weighs about 5 kilograms larger than the weight of any wild animal. Elephants are considered to be some of the most intelligent animals on earth. Elephants contain more complex folds than other animals except whales, which are believed to be the most important factor in their intelligence.
Elephants show some expressions such as sadness, fun, empathy, cooperation, awareness, the possibility of using tools, and the ability of elephants to learn excellent. The elephant surprised the guards at the zoo in Korea that he could imitate the orders directed at him by interacting above his hose, and he managed to learn 8 words with their execution. As mentioned above, elephants respect their dead and have special rituals at burial.

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