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Thursday, February 22, 2018

10 Interesting Information about Bear Pictures

The Bear of the animals is unique, mysterious and impressive, and although he is not quite as loved as cats and dogs, he is not quite as dangerous as wolves and mountain blacks, we will recall some interesting information about the bear, we will identify the bears in the world and you will be surprised When you know that seals have a close relationship to the bear, what are the reasons that led to the risk of bear extinction? What are the most endangered species of bears?

1- There are 8 different types of bear:
 انواع حيوان الدب

* The American Black Bear, which lives in North America and Mexico, consists mainly of tree leaves, buds, berries, nuts, and subspecies of this bear, bear cinnamon, ice bear, Mexican black bear, Cearmody bear, Louisiana black bear and many others.

* Asian black bear that lives in Southeast Asia, the Russian Far East, the bear has a full body and patches of yellowish white fur on the chest area, which is unlike the American black bear in body shape, behavior, and diet.

* Brown Bear is one of the largest wild mammals in the world eating meat, it runs throughout North America, Europe and Asia, and includes many sub species on the Carpathian Bear, European Brown Bear, Gobi Bear, Gray Bear, Kodak Bear and many others.

* The polar bear, which competes with the brown bear in size, is limited to the bear on the Arctic, reaching south to northern Canada and Alaska, and when it can not live on ice, the polar bear swims in open water and feeds on seals and mouths.

* Giant pandas feed almost on bamboo shoots and leaves in the central and southern regions of western China. This bear has a distinctive pattern where it has a black body, a white face, black ears, and black eye spots.

* The Lazy Bear roams in pastures, forests, and jungles in Southeast Asia, and this bear has a long shaggy fur with white chest marks, it feeds on termites, which it finds using acute sense of smell.

* The Bear Abu Goggles is the only original bear in South America, which inhabits the cloudy forests at altitudes of over 3,000 feet. This bear once lived in coastal deserts and pasture heights, but human adherence has limited its range.

* Bear the sun live in the low tropical forests in Southeast Asia, this little bear has the shortest fur of any kind of bears, chest area with signs of light reddish brown, and U-shaped spots on the fur.

2 - All types of bear share anatomical characteristics:
 جميع انواع حيوان الدب تتشابه تشريحيا

There are a few exceptions, but all the previous eight bear species have the same outward appearance as the big trunk, the short fat legs, the short snout, the long fur, the short tails, and most carnivorous species, they feed on animals but also fruits and vegetables, and the difference is The polar bear is almost carnivorous only where it feeds on seals and mouths, and the panda bear feeds completely on bamboo shoots (although the digestive system has a relatively well adapted meat intake).

3 - Bear of animals living alone:
 حيوان الدب من الحيوانات الانفرادية

The bear may be one of the most non-social mammals on the face of the earth, and the male-female marriage is very short. After mating, male females are left to raise the young themselves for about three years. After this stage, the female bears are keen to mate again. Almost completely live completely solo, a delightful news for the campers in the wild, but it is curious that most carnivorous mammals (such as wolves and pigs) tend to assemble in very small groups.

4 - the seals closest relatives of the bear:
 الفقمة هي اقرب اقرباء الدب

Because of the so-called bear dogs millions of years ago, we may assume that the modern bear is closely linked to the dogs. In fact, molecular analysis shows that the closest relatives of the bear who now lives are from the finite family, which includes seals and pronouns. A common ancestor who lived during the Eocene era of about 40-50 million years ago, although the precise identification of species of predecessors remains a matter of speculation.

5 - Bear is derived from an old German is brown in German:
 اسم الدب بالانجليزية مشتق من كلمة بني بالالمانية

Since medieval Europeans did not have much contact with polar bears or panda bears, it is logical that the peasants have linked the name of the bear to brown, the name of this animal derived from an ancient German origin, the Beira. The bear is also known as " Orsens), a word with a very ancient origin since 3500 BC.

6 - Most bear species enter the stage of hibernation during the winter:
الدب يدخل في السبات في الشتاء

Because the vast majority of bear species live in high northern latitudes, they need a way to survive in the winter months when food is dangerously rare, and the solution is through evolution and entry into hibernation or winter bays, as the bear enters a deep sleep that continues For months, during hibernation, heart rates and metabolic processes are very slow.

However, what happens in a state of hibernation is not like what is going on in a coma. The doctor can wake up in the middle of his stupor. The female bears can give birth in the winter, and we have fossil evidence that the cave blacks were devoured by the cave bear The last ice age, as some of these bears woke up and killed infiltrators of lions.

7. Bear has a very loud voice:
 الدب احد الحيوانات صاحبة الصوت العالي

The bear needs to communicate and issue sounds mainly with other bears through certain expressions such as bloating, biting high voice, groans, groans, barking, grumbling, and hum. The most dangerous sounds for humans are the grumbling and grumbling that the bear is frightened and berserk. The land, and the bloom at the bear occurs during the mating season and flirtation, and the hum occurs through the small bear to draw the attention of the mother and the hum reflects the anxiety or feeling of danger.

8- The Bear of the animals Sexually Dimorphic:
 يوجد اختلافات كبيرة بين ذكر وانثى الدب

Bears separate sex, male bears are much larger than females, and the larger the size of bear types the greater the disparity in size between males and females. For example, male brown bears weigh about 1000 pounds and the female weighs slightly more than half that weight. Of the female bears are smaller than males, but they are not completely helpless, they strongly defend their cubs from male bears, and male bear sometimes attacks and kills cubs of its kind in order to induce females to mate again.

9. Bear does not fit well to tame:
 الدب لا يصلح كحيوان مستأنس او اليف

In the last 10,000 years, dogs, cats and cattle have been raised, but bears are difficult to breed and tame. The bear is one of the animals that lives alone. It is difficult for humans to interfere in their life and impose their control on the bear. The bear has a varied diet, It is hard to keep, and more importantly, that the bear is considered an attacking and aggressive animal, and simply bear does not fit to be of domestic pet or of domesticated animals such as cattle.

10 - Bear is one of the most endangered animals in the world:
 الدب من الحيوانات المهددة بالانقراض

The bear is one of the most endangered animals because of the destruction of its habitats. The bear is often hunted for sport. One of the most endangered bears is a panda bear due to deforestation and human encroachments, as well as polar bears from endangered species.

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