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Friday, February 23, 2018

10 of the most dangerous animals in the world

You may not think that these beloved bears may be deadly, but wait until you read what is in this article about ten of the most dangerous animals in the world. You will find some really scary creatures and you will be surprised by the small things that can really be fatal and dangerous. Animals in the world, most of them do not kill too many people, but they can be one of the most ferocious wild predators in the wild, do not fool you appearance or size, these organisms are dangerous, and among the most dangerous animals in the world:

1. Asian Cobra:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

While the Asian cobra is not the title of the most poisonous snake, it is one of the most dangerous animals in the world, and one of the creatures that kill a fair share of people, the number of dead to 50,000 deaths of snake bites per year, Unfortunately, the Asian cobra is responsible for most of them. The viper can release its poison from up to 6 feet (2 meters) with enormous accuracy and give a cocktail of toxins that focus on the nerves in the first place.

2. The Law:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

Most mosquito bites make you just feel simple itching, but some mosquitoes carry and transmit malaria parasites. As a result, these small pests may be responsible for the deaths of more than two million people a year. Therefore, it is considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world. The mosquito holder of the virus is also zika virus.

3. Giant White Shark:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

Without a doubt you know that the shark will be on the list of the most dangerous animals in the world. Blood in the water can raise sharks madly, as it uses about 3000 years of teeth to bite anything moving, and despite the fierce white shark, but cases Human death may be rare due to white shark attacks. In 2014, there were 72 unwarranted attacks of human sharks worldwide and only three deaths.

4. Australian Box Candlestick:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

Also known as sea wasp and is one of the most dangerous animals in the world, jellyfish can reach in size to 60 claws and each claw up to 15 feet in length, and I have Australian boxing candelabrum about 5000 of the sting cells in each claw and enough venom to kill about 60 people, but there are no official records showing that dozens of people died each year. Most of the people killed are killed by sharks.

5. African Lion:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

If we talk about giant fangs, fishing at lightning speed and sharp claws, we are undoubtedly talking about the African lion, this great cat who is a skilled hunter and one of the most dangerous animals in the world too, but what you do not know about the African lions they are in days after the full moon , African Black begins to attack humans, and found a study on this phenomenon that with the bright moonlight, the black sees its normal prey flare and become unusually hungry.

6. Crocodile:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

It is not surprising that the crocodile is also one of the most dangerous animals in the world. It remains in the water waiting for the passersby. Then, in the blink of an eye, it drives towards the prey, to make it in an underwater moment to sink and cut it into pieces, but you will undoubtedly be more prone to death. On the hand of a bee bite to be killed by a crocodile.

7. Elephant:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

Not all elephants are friendly, there is a elephant that kills more than 500 people a year around the world and is one of the most dangerous animals in the world. African elephants can weigh about 8 thousand kilograms. You should be careful when facing a villa. You are undoubtedly torn.

8. Frog:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

The poisonous frog is one of the most dangerous animals on earth. It is considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world. It is two inches long. Five poisonous frogs are enough to kill 10 adult males. It usually excretes a nervous poison from the back to keep any predatory animals away. .

9. Polar Bear:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

If you look at the polar bear in the zoo, you will love it very much. It is one of the most beloved animals there, but what you do not know about the polar bear is that in the wild it can eat dead elephants as a breakfast meal and it is among the most dangerous animals in the world. However, there are only two or three polar bear attacks on humans every year, and these attacks are always because humans enter their environment and camp inside and defend themselves, so always take appropriate precautions.

10. Buffalo Cap:
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The most dangerous animals in the world

When buffalo meets a predatory animal, the buffalo is attacked by its horns. The buffalo weighs about 750 kg. It has a very sharp fur and will be unlucky if you encounter only one. If you encounter a whole herd, the real danger comes when a herd of Thousands scramble in your direction.

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